11 - I missed you.

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Amelia's Pov:

It's been around 20 minutes since I texted Nick. I hear someone knocking on the door upstairs but I can't get it. I grab my phone, slip it into my pocket, and walk up the stairs. There I am, face to face with the locked basement door. I wonder if the Sturniolos are here. *BANG* I hear something being knocked down. I think it was the front door. I can hear the police talking and walking around.

"Amelia Fritz if you're somewhere in here please make a sound so that we can locate you!" I hear a police officer say.

I start to scream as loud as I can possibly. I hear the footsteps of the police running to the basement door.

"Amelia is that you?"


"Is there anyone else here with you?"

"No! Please help me!"

"Ok, we are going to need you to step away from the door. We are going to knock it down."


I step away from the door and walk back down the stairs. *BOOM* I see the door come crashing down. The police officers look at me with all the dried mascara smudges, blood, and bruises on my face. 2 of them come down the stairs. One of them approaches me and asks me if he can pick me up. I nod and he carries me up the stairs. Out of the corner of my eye I see the other police man looking around the basement.

"You got all your belongings?" The police man asked me when we reached the top of the stairs.

"Yup, I think so!"

"Just so you know your friends are here and they promised to take care of you." He tells me. "Also we are going to arrest this guy when he comes back ok? You don't need to worry about it."

We reach the front door and I see the outside world again. The fresh air. I turn and see Nick, Chris, and Matt standing in the driveway. I know I was only kidnapped for like a week but I really missed them. The police officer sets me down in front of them and I thank him. He walks away and back into the house. Once I turn around I see Nick, Chris, and Matt with tears in their eyes. They hug me and we stand there hugging for at least 5 minutes maybe more.

"We missed you sooo much!" Chris and Nick told me.

*time skip, we talked for awhile and drove home*

"Hey Matt, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go to my room."

I follow Matt to his room and close the door behind us. Matt goes and sits on his bed leaning against the headboard. I walk over to my side of the bed and get on. But instead of sitting beside him I sat across from him. I held both his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"I missed you. I love you, Matt" Is all I said before going in for a nice long hug.

Word Count 516

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