08 - Depression

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Matt's Pov:

I parked on the side of the road. This was the exact location her phone said. It was right by house number 34. We looked around for clues but there was none. So we decided to call the cops.

"911 what's your emergency?"

*time skip to when the police show up*

The police pull up and 2 male officers get out of the car. We walk over to them and we start talking. We explain the whole thing to them.

"Ok we will do some investigating around here. Have a good day!" The police officer states.

"Ok but please update us if you find anything out." Nick says.

"Of course!"

We get back in the car and I start driving home. On the way back it is silent. None of us know what to say or do. Personally I feel depressed. Yesterday I was going to confess my feelings for her but I put it off. I should've just told her! What if I never see her again! Tears start running down my face while I am driving. Chris looks over at me and wipes my tears.

"It's ok Matt. She will be fine!" Chris says reassuring me.

"Yeah but I love her, Chris!" I say frustratedly.

"We know, but you just gotta settle down for now." Nick adds.

The rest of the car ride was silent until we got home. I run to my room and slam the door. I flop on my bed and just lay there. If Amelia were here right now she would probably be sitting right here smiling but now who knows what is happening to her! I think.

*time skip, 4 days later*

Chris Pov:

Matt has been in his room for 4 days straight. He hasn't left his room once! Nick and I try to talk to him but he just tells us to leave him alone! We have to bring him food and water constantly. We haven't left the house either because Matt is the only one who can drive! Still no word from the police.

Authors Note:
This is a really short chapter, sorry!

Word Count 358

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