The Rash

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Requested by Anonymous 

Request: "Can reader go through a relapse with self-harming by scratching and the arms are all bloody and sticky?"

TW⚠️: Self harm, blood, use of toxic plants 

"Alright class, today we will go over the different kinds of 'Poisonous plants' that are grown here in our greenhouse for the potions and hexes subject-taking students," Ms Thornhill proclaims today's lesson. Her desk had a lineup of multiple potted plants, each with its own unique stature, length, height, colour, feature and toxicity. 

You were sitting in your assigned seat, Wednesday Addams in the one next to you on your right, you were both partners for this class, and it was nerve-wracking to be sat next to the gothic girl, especially when Bianca Barclay sat at the table to the left of you, and you were always caught in the middle of their competitive squabbles over who knew what about each plant being spoken about.

Luckily for you, today's topic was something Wednesday was truly knowledgeable in, and she seemed fired up and ready to put Bianca in her place, what was also fortunate for you was the fact that Ms Thornhill was handing out the plants. She planned to let each student pass the plotted plants to each other after taking a moment to examine them with the right precautions, but of course, the peaceful class had come to a stop at Barclay's reply to Ms Thornhill's question.

"Can anyone tell me the properties of Poison Ivy?" She asks the class, and the siren immediately raises her hand in the air, getting a roll of Wednesday's eyes at her teacher's pet behaviour, "Yes Bianca?" 

"Poison Ivy holds properties like urushiol, it's the oil within the plant." She states proudly with her signature pearly white smile, but your seatmate of course had something to add. 

"Urushiol is also found in other plants, such as poison oak and poison sumac," she says with her usual monotone, looking at the siren the entire time with a cocky look in her eyes, it was the only amount of emotion you ever saw from the girl. 

"Very good you two, now let's-"

"The leaves on a poison ivy are shaped like almonds," the dark-skinned woman fires back, leaving you to feel a chill run down your spine as you keep your head forward, not wanting to meet any of the glares each girl was giving the other, being bang in the middle of their tension constantly you learnt it was best to keep your mouth shut. 

"They grow in the form of bushes, each being around 3'11 in height," Wednesday deadpans. You decide it is best to try and move on, so you clear your throat enough to get their attention to focus on you as you drag the poison ivy plant that was put on your desk by the teacher, holding it up by the pot to show Wednesday it before you try to pass it over to Barclay.  

"That's a commonly known fact, Addams," the woman on your left sneers, holding her hands out ready to take the plant you were about to give her, when a hand on your arm makes you tense up, you knew it was your seatmate out of logical reasoning, she was the only one close to you from the right. 

"And you are a common prude, Barclay," she grimaces, moving the plant back to her out of spite even thought it was still in your grasp. 

"Oh yeah? Well, did you know rashes on newly exposed people can take up to 3 weeks from the plant?" She questions the intellect of your partner as she places her hands on the pot, they are both avoiding the touch of the plant itself. 

"Yes, everyone who takes this class, or has an ounce of common sense will know that they would even know that already exposed victims will gain rashes after a mere few hours," she tugs the plant closer to her, making it graze your arms. 

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