The Friend Pt.3 (Finale)✍️📜

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Y/n's Pov

Moosa wasn't in his trailer, leaving me to sit outside the makeup trailer after a 30-minute walk around the trailers looking for him, I slump in a chair, playing Candy Crush, but after 12 minutes I groan softly, clicking my tongue in annoyance as I've wasted all my lives. I decide to scroll on Instagram mindlessly for the remainder of my time, it's almost been an hour since I've been by myself, that is until I hear the frantic clanking of heels and the shallow breaths of someone running for their life. My head turns to the source, and Chelsea whips by me, I only catch a glimpse of her, but I can tell she is distressed. I stand up, chasing after her.

"Chels?" I grab her attention, the woman turns to me, and I can see her pale face and bloodshot eyes, panic is evident on her face, and her clothes look dishevelled like she has used them to wipe something, probably for her tears, she carries multiple bags, the handles cut off circulation to her hands as the skin looks purplish.

"Y/n?" She asks in a small voice, she must not have seen me, too busy in her own thoughts I'm guessing, her eyes are rather wide, and she sways like she is in a daze, I quickly take the bags off her, they are weighty, she clearly needed a lot, however, my action unphased her, her mind isn't with me, so I step a little closer, looking at her worried as I grow more concerned for her by the minute.

"Chelsea, are you alright?" I speak a little louder, she seems to snap out of it, looking at my half-done makeup and hair, her eyes widen as she turns on her heels.

"I need to get to Jenna-"

"Vicky's got her, you don't need to worry about that," I reassure her, my hand reaching to grab her arm to prevent her from running away, she stops, her shoulders slumping as she sighs, panting still, she must have been running a while, "How about I walk you to the trailer? You need to sit down." I say softly, walking alongside her as we make our way to the makeup trailer, she opens the door for me as she enters, and I follow closely behind.

The two women look at the two of us surprised, to me, it looks like Vicky was just about finished with Jenna's hair, so why are they so surprised to see me? Vicky clears her throat, glaring at Chelsea as the distressed woman has her back turned to her boss.

"And where were you? Jenna needed you here an hour ago." She scolds her employee, Chelsea sighs before turning around, her head hung low as she plays with the rings on her fingers, I decide to place the bags down in the back room, I feel eyes following me, but I shrug it off as I hear Chelsea explain.

"I'm so so sorry, my family called to tell me my cat went missing, I had to find cell service to call them back and it turns out..." Her voice begins to break, her eyes welling up with tears, "He died...from a car...and, a-and-" The repeated news hits her like a ton of bricks as she breaks down into tears, Vicky frowns at the woman, bringing her into a loving embrace as she soothes her, the sobbing girl apologises over and over again and Vicky leads her to the seat. I lean on the doorframe, looking at my coworker with sad eyes, sympathy rises within me as I couldn't begin to imagine the pain of losing her companion, her cries become more frequent and my heart can't handle the twinge of sadness any longer as I hug her from the side, mumbling condolences as I rub her back, letting her break in my arms.

Jenna comes round to the other side, hugging the woman as the three of us allow her to wallow in her pain, after a few minutes she only accumulates to sniffles and hiccups, "It's ok honey, we are here for you," Vicky says motherly, stroking Chelsea's hair soothingly.

"I'm s-sorry, I just compl-pletly lost track of things t-to do and I ended up be-being late" She then looks to Jenna, "I'm so sorry, you're the main character and-"

"Stop" Jenna brings her to a halt, "None of this is your fault, Chelsea, these things could happen to anyone," She says with a reassuring smile, "Take all the time you need, me and the crew will understand" She hugs the girl, Vicky and I pull away to give them space as they talk things out.

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