Lone Wolf ✍️📜

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The art above is from Pinterest.

The Wolf photo was made using picrew.me (This will be what you look like, if you want, you can imagine a different colour.)

Plot: Y/n is a genetically made Dire Wolf, you will see that I've written background pieces to explain how and what happens with her time in the experimentation phase, how she came to be at Nevermore, and how she meets Wednesday.

(This is a newer version of Lone Wolf, the one I wrote before wasn't good enough for me, so please enjoy!)

Warnings: Mentions of vomiting, child abuse, blood

I walk in the crisp cold night, the air is chilly, enough to make my spine shiver on occasion, but not cold enough where I feel the need to head someplace warmer, in my mind, this was perfect. The wind runs through my fur, trees wisping by my vision as I evade them expertly, I know these grounds like the back of my hand. I look up at the moon, it's the first quarter, meaning soon it'll be full.

'I'll have to head back soon' I think to myself, as I slow to a trot, my padded paws are light on the ground, allowing me the advantage of not disturbing the creatures of the forest. I take in all the smells the breeze sends my way, making me feel at ease. These grounds were my home and will be until my time at Nevermore comes to an end.

I was a Dire Wolf, created by my father, he was a scientist who took an interest in human and animal cross-species genetics, and as my mother died giving birth to me, making me the only child, my father could conduct his experiments privately.

He believed that if he created a stronger body, his bloodline could conceive children without the cause of death, as most women in his family died during the birth of their firstborn, he promised me it was all going to be for a better future, a future where woman, and people with female reproductive organs a chance to become parents, a chance to raise a family without the cost of dying.

He decided to go with the blood of an extinct animal, a species that was known for having many pups in its litter, a Dire Wolf, they possessed great athletic abilities, strength, and fear into those who were once their prey. Despite there being werewolves already in this society, my father claimed this experiment was far too good to pass on to strangers, this was going to be, "A family secret, passed down for generations." As he once called it.

Sadly, he got greedy, one experiment became two, and then two became multiple until he had the perfect werewolf, a dire wolf... or so he thought. After years of torment, I eventually grew tired of trying to please my father, the lies he'd tell me to my face, about how all this was for Mom, I knew better, I was 16 now, almost 17, and I could tell when a man was ridden by his own selfish desire.

I eventually ended up losing control of my anger, all of it was new to me, this rage, this power, I had no control over it, and the result was me killing him. I thought for sure that was the end of my life, I'd be left alone to fend for myself, who would care for a monster?

That was until I bumped into Larrissa Weems, Nevermore's headmistress one morning in the woods during her morning jog, she was a rather tall, elegant woman.

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