Crazy In Love✍️📜

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Originally requested by @Twitch_Extra15
Originally helped by @Broswer95

Extra Information: Y/n will be of British nationality as I made her have an accent. 
-Words in Latin were used by Google Translate, I do not speak the language myself, so if there are any corrections feel free to let me know in the comments. 
-Wednesday will have minor Yandere characteristics such as obsessive and compulsive behaviour. 

"So, Wednesday~" My roommate singsongs as she sits next to me, her blonde golden fur-coloured tail wagging side to side aggressively, the rest of our group was spread evenly across the picnic table outside as it was lunchtime, "A little birdy told me you had a crush?" She muses, her chin resting on the palm of her hand as she looks at me with a mischievous gaze, I turn to look at Thing, seeing him sit on my other side, flipping through a magazine, filing his nails.

"Traitor," I grumble out loud enough for him to hear, he casually shrugs, which I will use on him later as an act of defiance against me. I continue eating my food, ignoring the expecting stares of my friends, this goes on for only 5 minutes before my roommate is literally shaking in her seat from anticipation.

"Well?!" She breaks the silence, sounding desperate, I turn my head to look at her, quietly chewing on my lunch, "Who is it?!" I take a sip of my water, wanting to drag out the wait because I enjoyed the power of having them at my full mercy, I then make sure to close the lid of my bottle slowly, setting it down in front of me before clasping my hands together on the table.

"Y/n L/n," Is all I have to say before chaos breaks lose, Eugene choked on his water, alarming Xavier next to him as he patted his back, trying to help him out, Bianca and Ajax had that wide-eyed, deer caught in headlights stare before they glance at each other, trying to come up with something supportive, but it just ends up in small mutters I didn't care to try and work out. Eugene eventually stops dying and is just sitting there, fiddling with his water bottle as the rest of them share weary glances as if there was something I didn't know, and I wanted to know, "What's wrong with Y/n?" I question them, irritation in my voice as I snap at them.

I bite my tongue, not wanting to say anything that'll upset them or anger me further, looking at them as they all stare at one person, Enid, I turn my head to face the werewolf who is busy making silent gestures, trying to get them to stop, but they completely throw her under the bus, when she does look at me, she sits up straight, offering a beaming smile, which I could tell was forced, "Hey there roomie," she chuckles nervously.

"Spit it out Sinclair," I order her, my voice sharp, she groans, her ears folding back against her head, her tail curling around her waist for comfort, she slumps in her seat, dreading having to be the one to tell me. I folded my arms over my chest, waiting patiently for her explanation, which made her sigh heavily.

"It's just that..." She begins, twiddling her thumbs around, "...Y/n is a bit...," she struggles for the right words, so Xavier chimes in to help her out.

"Magic enthusiastic!" The group then all murmurs in agreement, but I stop them from trying to fumble around with that poor excuse.

"Why wouldn't she be? She is a witch," I state the obvious. Bianca sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose as she mutters something under her breath I couldn't quite catch, "Care to speak up Barclay?" I snap at her.

"I said 'Of course, trust on Wednesday to fall for the psycho', happy now?" She repeats more clearly, resulting in me scoffing and rolling my eyes at the remark. "It's true though!" The siren goes on to defend her statement, "She cursed a guy to have a period. A GUY!" She makes sure to emphasise that, "HAVING A PERIOD!" All the boys at the table grimaced, seemingly knowing what she was talking about, whereas I had no clue what she was referring to.

Wednesday Addams OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora