She's Mine!✍️📜

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Disclaimer: I was inspired by the story in the video above and all the rightful credits belong to Lyradaisical, I merely changed the characteristics and adapted the story to fit into my story, please check out the original as it is a fantastic piece of work. 

Also yes, I am a Miraculous fan, I watch far too many kids' TV shows for someone my age but I also have no shame in it, I am who I am. 😤
Information: You are a mermaid in this 

You weren't popular but many students at Nevermore liked you, you helped anyone who needed it, whether it was about studying or just being an ear to listen to someone's problems, this kind of action made you very in demand within the school with certain students. 

Such as Bianca Barclay, you were the only one she trusted with her family's past as you have known her since your first year, you helped her with her studies, sparred with her in fencing, and even joined her in honing her siren abilities in the school lake. Or you both would hang out at the Weathervane for a friendly catch-up over a cup of coffee or just do each other hair at the weekend when you both had a sleepover. You two were best friends, although she was getting rather possessive lately due to the fact you had gained a crush on a certain monotone Raveonette.

As of right now, you were walking out of the school grounds getting ready to meet Enid and Wednesday for a casual lunch at the Weathervane but were stopped by a familiar embrace. 

Y/n's POV
"Where are you off to all dressed up?" Bianca asks sweetly as she links her arms with mine, walking by my side. 

"I'm heading over to the Weathervane to help out Enid and Wednesday with something," I explain casually, my friend stops in her tracks giving me a disapproving look. I couldn't help but roll my eyes with slight amusement at her motherly ways, "They aren't that bad," I reassure her with a small nudge to her side as I try to get her to walk with me again. 

"No, no, Enid is fine," she mutters quickly, "But Wednesday... really? Why does she have to be there?" She grumbles questionably as she matches her footsteps with mine. 

I shake my head in disbelief at her not-so-subtle dislike of the young Addams, "Because Enid and Wednesday invited me to hang out with them, I state the obvious, "And they asked for my help," I answer her honestly, "You don't have to come with me you know," I say with a teasing smile, "You can back to your dorm." I started to walk a little faster realising I was probably going to run late at this pace as i take a quick glance at my watch. 

"Oh, I'm coming, I don't trust that sociopath," I snort at her childish remark but don't press it further. 

We both enter the Weathervane to see a beaming Enid flag us down as she waves us over to the table she and her roommate sat at. I slip into the booth opposite them, directly in front of Wednesday next to the window as Bianca takes the seat next to me in front of Enid, "Hey guys, how are you both today?" I greet warmly, "I also hope you don't mind if Bianca tagged along, she insisted," I say apologetically to the girls for not giving them a heads up. 

"We are good, and we don't mind," the werewolf smiles charmingly at us two, "It's lovely to have you here Bianca." Bianca grinned softly at the blonde, but her face immediately hardened as she looked at the goth girl. Wednesday only glared right back at her, causing a tense silence between the two that traversed to us before Enid cleared her throat, catching the attention of all three of us. "So!" She clapped her hands excitedly, able to bring the original atmosphere back, "Wednesday and I messaged you here because we were wondering if you wanted to be on our team for the Poe Cup?" She announces. 

My eyes lit up in elation as I gave a soft smile to the chipper girl, "I'd love to!" I say just as enthusiastically, Enid goes to speak but is interrupted by Bianca clearing her throat and jerking her elbow into my rib harshly, making me wince, "Ouch," I mutter as I nurse my wound, glaring at the siren, "What was that for?" I whisper yell at her. 

Wednesday Addams OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora