Thanks...I guess pt.2✍️📜

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Y/n's POV

I've been hiding in my room since yesterday's events, thankfully it's the weekend, so I have time to collect myself over the two days. I am currently sitting at my desk, brooding, my hands clutched tightly in my hair as I bang my head repeatedly against the wooden surface. 'Why. On. Earth. Would. You. Draw. Her!?' I groan, not from the pain but from my stupidity, 'She was right. There. You. fucking. Idiot.' My phone rings, and I turn my head as it remains laying on the desk, holding my phone up to read the caller ID, 'My favourite Puppy 💖' I sigh, sitting up as I fix my hair before clicking accept to the Facetime.

"Hey, Enid." I greet with the blankest tone, my will to live has been tossed into the nearest ditch.

"Cheer up Chipmunk!" She says, trying to lift my spirits, "You can't still be sulking about yesterday, that was so 24 hours ago." She says with a playful eye roll, I can't help but let out a small smile, the werewolf instantly making my mood a little better.

"It's just so embarrassing Eds." I whine, "I mean, how would you feel if you did something like that in front of Ajax if you guys weren't dating?" I try to bring my perspective into view.

"I'd use that opening to ask him out." She replies. "The difference is because I actually like him," she mutters at the end. I huff, my fringe flying up from the sudden puff of air, my cheeks flushing from the answer.

"Y-yeah...that makes sense," I mumble, the line goes silent, so I lift the phone up to see the picture clearly, Enid has her tongue poking out, her head slightly tilted, her thinking face, I furrow my brows, trying to decipher the thoughts running through her head, when I get no answer, I speak up. "Eds~ You alright, penny for your thoughts?"

"Mmm, I'm just a little confused, I mean, I can understand why you would act weirdly, you used to like Wednesday, but this has affected Wednesday more than I thought it would." She blurts out, I hum to show that I'm listening when in reality her words make my thoughts spin. 'Have I weirded her out that much? God...I'm such a creep.' I run my fingers through my hair in frustration, 'I can never face her again.' Yet despite my promise to myself I can't get her out of my head, why are crushes so confusing? "Y/n!" I jolt in my seat, my phone falling out of my hand as I scramble to pick it up, looking at a concerned Enid.

"What?" I scowl at her through the screen, pissed off that I got scared. I then look at the werewolf expression, similar to a kicked puppy and I instantly regret my aggression. "Sorry Enid," I apologise with a heavy sigh, "I was just lost in thought."

"No worries, it was just because I was talking, and I noticed you weren't paying attention is all." I nod slowly, rubbing my face with my free hand, "You alright?" She asks, positioning the phone so I'm closer to her face as if the closeness of the screen will emphasise her checking up on me.

"I don't know." I say honestly, I rest my chin on my arm, looking at Enid, "I think I still have feelings for Wednesday." I admit, the werewolf gasps and I quickly sit up, "I know, I know, I said I'd never forgive her after she made you cry, and I should really be a better friend-"


"-and I especially shouldn't like someone so uncaring and cruel-"


"-Even though she is so unbelievably beautiful-"


"What?!" I finally stop rambling, my attention on the werewolf who has a bright smile, completely the opposite of what I thought she'd react like.

"It's fine, really, if anything it's great" She reassures me with a calm look, she then quickly becomes giddy, laying on her stomach, using one of her plushies to rest her chin on as she wraps her arm around it for better support "So come on~ Tell me how much you simp for my roomie~" She taunts, my ears warm as I roll my eyes, trying to dismiss her playful look, I go to speak but then there is a knock at my door. I look at it and then back to Enid, turning off my camera.

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