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Naira couldn't help but chuckle at Daksh's fake attempt at being bossy. She playfully rolled her eyes and replied, "Oh, am I? Well, Mr. Oberoi, you seem to forget that I have a say in this too."

Daksh grinned internally , enjoying their banter. "Come on, Naira, don't be difficult. Just say yes," he said, his tone softening as he reached out to gently hold her hand.

Naira sighed , pretending to ponder the idea. "Hmm, let me think about it... Okay, fine. But only because you asked so nicely," she teased, 

Daksh chuckel, feeling a surge of happiness at Naira's playful demeanor. "Great! It's a date then, at 8" he declared, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Naira smiled, feeling a warm sense of contentment wash over her. As they walked together towards the hospital entrance, she couldn't shake off the feeling that this was the beginning of something special.

Inside, the hospital bustled with activity, but Naira's attention remained focused on Daksh. She couldn't help but steal glances at him, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity in his presence.

Daksh, sensing her gaze, turned to her with a smile. "What are you looking at?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Naira chuckled softly, feeling a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, nothing," she replied coyly, her heart fluttering at the warmth in Daksh's gaze.

As they made their way to Naira's mother's ward, Daksh kept up a light conversation, effortlessly putting Naira at ease. Despite the hospital's somber atmosphere.

When they finally reached Akshara's ward, Naira's heart swelled with love and gratitude as she saw her mother's smiling face. Akshara's eyes lit up at the sight of Daksh, and she welcomed him with a warm embrace.

"Good evening, Daksh beta," Akshara greeted him affectionately, her voice filled with warmth. 

Daksh returned the embrace, his expression tender. "Good evening, Auntie. How are you feeling today?" he asked, genuine concern.

Akshara smiled, her eyes twinkling with appreciation. "Much better, thank you," she replied. 

Naira's heart swelled with emotion as she watched her mother interact with Daksh. In that moment, she knew that she had made the right decision in giving Daksh a chance.

As they spent time together in Akshara's ward, sharing stories and laughter, Naira felt a deep sense of belonging in Daksh's presence. In between, Daksh kept stealing glances at Naira in an adoring manner whenever she laughed, smiled, which didn't go unnoticed by Akshara.

As he bid farewell to her mother and mouthed "be ready".. and left the hospital.Akshara asked Naira, "Does Daksh like you, Beta?"As soon as those words came out of Akshara's mouth, Naira coughed loudly, looking at her.And seeing her reaction, she understood that what she was thinking was absolutely true.

"Ahhh... Maa, I can't hide anything from you, can I?" Naira said with a pout, her face radiating cuteness and adorableness.

"No, Beta ji, I can understand that much," Akshara said, her face breaking into a sweet smile as she looked at Naira's expression.(dear)

She picked up the water bottle and took a few sips, then decided it was best to share a few words with her mother.

"He's convinved me for a chance in this relationship, but I'm not sure, Mom. I just..."

"It's okay, dear. Whatever is happening, let it unfold. He adores you"

"And they continued to talk about it. Then Naira mentioned that she had to go for dinner. Akshara didn't stop her and let her go because she didn't want to hinder the happiness coming into her daughter's life. So, around 7:30, Naira reached her apartment."

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