Chapter 23: Lilies

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Ross's POV:

This whole dare thing is getting out of hand now. How can she meet my mother? What if mom likes her? Melinda will think that we are serious and...this can somehow benefit me if she thinks we are serious. Let me call Ben and ask what he thinks of all of this.

B-"Speak." he answers the phone in a few rings.

R-"Let's pretend you are a girl interested in me, okay?" I get straight to the point.

B-"Confused but go on" he responds.

R-"If I introduced you to my parents would you say you would feel special and possible gain feelings maybe love?" I hope he gets what I am trying to say.

B-"Well If I were a girl I would definitely not be easy so no it wouldn't move me. But if Melinda has a soft spot for you it might spark some feelings of love." I guess he already knew who I was talking about.

B-"I didn't think that you would take this dare thing so far. Meeting your parents seems to be out of hand don't you think?"

R-"You know that when I have mission I always have to win. I have it under control."

B-"You know I thought that you were beginning to like Melinda because you seem to like when she is around you."

R-"Well I guess that was all in your head because I have no idea what you are talking about. Besides I can't have Dan thinking that I am a loser." She has been playing me too so she can respect what I am doing since she is doing it to me.

B-"She seems to really like you would it be bad losing a stupid bet if it meant actually having a girl that truly likes you." But she doesn't like me.

R-"I was her rebound so trust me when I say she doesn't like me man." It hurt finding out that I was her game but at least it made me feel better about myself that I was the only horrible one here.

B-"Rebound, meaning what? As in she was using you? That's crazy but I mean you are doing the same so in a way you deserve each other." You can count on Ben to side with everyone but me but he is right.

R-"I have to call her to invite her over. Hang up now."

B-"Ben out." he hangs up.

I take a look at the time it's 8 in the morning she must be up now. I dial up her number and she picks after a long wait.

M-"Hey, what's up?"

R-"Hey, I was just calling to see what you are up to tonight?" I hope she is free.

M-"I am free after my shift tonight nothing planned, why?"

R-"Actually, I thought I would invite you to dinner you know, you, me...and my parents." Please say yes.

M-"As in you want me to meet your parents?"

R-"Yeah, my mother has been wanting to meet you for a while now so I thought I would get you out your house and you could finally meet her." I just realized she is the first girl who I will be introducing formally.

M-"Oh I didn't know that she knew about me. I guess since you came to my house its only sensible that I will come if I am invited."

R-"Great I will pick you up at 6pm. See you then."

M-"Alright bye."

The rest of the day goes by okay I had a day off at the cafe today. So mom forced me to help her make lasagna and I got out off making the cake since she said that I was slowing her down. After she was done that was my queue to go and pick Mel up.

Melinda's POV:

My shift felt so much longer today the special going on at the diner kept the place packed the whole day. I came home and mom was nowhere to be seen she probably went out with her soon to be husband. I get out a nice mint green dress that is a bit above my knees, and after putting on a clean makeup look I get to styling my hair which I have 50 minutes to do thank heavens because my hair is a lot of work.

I end up finally getting it in a perfect bun and my edges are acceptable but it will have to do. Ross texts that he is outside and I find my mom in the kitchen making coffee we still haven't talked yet. She locked herself in her room all night yesterday and ignored me. "Mama I am going out I should be back at around 9 or 10pm" she's focused on the cup of coffee stirring it. "Sure. Be safe." she leaves up to her room.

I grab a bouquet of lilies that I got for Mrs. Blaze today I can not show up empty handed. I walk up to his car trying not to walk funny, I don't know why this is so scary. "Hey, you look great. Are those for me?" He jokes. "No, they are for your mother." He looks surprised. "What?" I ask confused. "No, I didn't think you would get something for her that's all. And you guessed her favorite flowers right." I am glad she will like the flowers I picked out.

We arrive and I literally start shaking I hope she doesn't get to know that I am a weirdo. This feels like when I had to give a speech in front of the class. We walk in and Ross announces our arrival, we walk into the dining room and I see a beautiful petite dark haired woman with the most beautiful skin. And next to her was a tall blonde man with the same brown eyes Ross has. She gets up from her seat and rushes to hug me. "You are so gorgeous I love you already." she smells so amazing and her dimples are just perfection to her smile. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Blaze. These are for you." I hand her the lilies.

"You can call me Fiona. These lilies are my favorite I haven't been able to get any since my wedding day then I became a teddy bear lover and forgot all about flowers. Thanks honey. Come sit I will serve the food." She walk over to the kitchen as I greet Ross's dad. "It's a pleasure to meet you dear." he greets with a smile and we all sit down and he asks some basic questions about my plans for the future. And Mrs. Blaze serves lasagna and it's absolutely delicious. "So Melinda, what do you think of my son? Be honest." If I were honest I would be kicked out but he really isn't that bad.

"He is so cocky and he is hot headed. But he is sweet and very generous and a gentlemen when he wants to be." both his parents start laughing. "That sound like my son alright. He is so hard to deal with but he is worth it." She must love him a lot especially when she lost her daughter. "I know he says he doesn't think he will find love but I know he is a big lover. He must love you very much." Ross straighten in his seat in response to his father's words. "What have you not told each other that you love one another? You kids of today think that relationships are a joke. Tomorrow you could never wake up and you might never live to feel regret." He sips from his wine.

"Wow Dad since when did you become poetic, Mom did you know about this?" we all laugh but I mean he is right. "Stop bullying your father he is a very talented man." Mr. Blaze blushes at her comment. "You should accompany Ross on an upcoming event in a week, the only person he has made a connection or friendship with is Yasmine and that burnt in flames." So his family knew her too, so this isn't special at all?

When I think I like him I find the most bizarre things out. Or maybe it's also because I am guilty. I will tell him the truth and I hope he can forgive me after that. Because I think I have fallen for him. I hope he will feel the same I have never wanted to tell a guy how I feel first, he might appreciate it. I might never live to regret it.

A rebound mixed with a dareWhere stories live. Discover now