Chapter 1: Sleepover in honor of Henry.

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Hey guys pls note that this is my first book so I won't be perfect but I will try to be. Pls make sure to feel free to correct me where you feel needed. Don't forget to comment, vote and share. But most of all enjoy.

Melinda's POV:

After Henry totally crushed my heart in my favorite place the school library. I sat there and took a few seconds or probably over 30 minutes sulking and crying my heart out in the place where I used to find as our favorite spot. While being a crybaby I got a text message from my bestie which immediately got me out of my pity state.

Yara: Mel where are you? We have been waiting for you. We planned to have a sleepover at Amanda's remember? Tell Henry to set you free its our time now!

Looking at the text message I remembered my planned sleepover and also felt a pit in my stomach because not only did I have to fake the funk at the sleepover but I also had to tell my best friends that I just got dumped, which by the way sounded so horrible to me because they warned me about him and, Boy! did I not listen because look at me now.

I went to the bathroom and fixed my puffy eyes and took a deep breath before walking out the library as a single woman which is funny considering I walked in there cuffed. As I walked out I had a fake smile and looked like the most happiest girl right now. I spotted Yara and Amanda which wasn't hard because for some reason Yara decided to get another graduation gown with was covered in gold. Looking at that I think I went temporarily blind.

"Oh look who decided to grace us with her presence." Yara said with a tone of sarcasm. "Can we please get the hell out here right now please!" I responded with anger in my tone. "Woah, what happened did Henry leave you feeling unsatisfied or what?" Amanda responded confused at my tone. I gave her a dead stare and she immediately knew to back down. "Okay then let's go I guess." Yara said in a quiet tone. We all got into her car and she drove off. It was silent the only thing heard was the radio. We stopped at the gas station to grab some snacks and I made sure to grab a whole lot of chocolate and sweets." Melly are you okay because you sure are shopping for a sugar rush?" they know that whenever I shop for sweet stuff something is normally wrong. The last time I shopped for a sugar rush was when we waited for our final grades. "Yeah, umm I will tell you later not now." I responded. " Sure" she said and dropped the subject.

We soon arrived at Amanda's house. Her parents had a business meeting and left shortly after the function earlier today, but they trusted her with us for the night. Amanda never liked being home alone so we regularly did sleepovers whenever they were out of town. We walked in and went down to the basement which Amanda's parents allowed her to turn into a girls hideout for us. It was very cozy with three beds, a tv, a couch, walk-in closet for all of us and a mini kitchen. We walked in placed all the snacks and food out on the table and changed into our pj's.

Amanda cut on the tv and immediately paused the show that was playing and her attention was on me while Yara attacked some gummy bears. "So Melinda you maybe want to tell us what is going on with you?" I sighed and took a cookie in my mouth knowing pretty well I would have to speak after I was done chewing and swallowing it. I took my time thinking of how I would look and feel stupid telling my friends that I got dumped by the boy they never liked for me. After I swallowed, I finally opened my mouth to speak " Henry broke up with me." Yara choked on the sweets and Amanda's face looked confused. " I am sorry but who broke up with who?" Amanda said with seriousness in her voice. "He dumped me okay he ended it." I responded as tears started to form in my eyes. " Mel, sweetness no don't cry its going to be okay." it felt so easy coming out of her mouth she didn't know how it felt to be dumped she still had her high school sweetheart Richard.

"That dick-headed bastard! how could he break up with you. I swear on all that's good on earth happiness will never find him again. Who the hell does he think he is?" Amanda spoke with rage and hurt. " I don't know why he did it but all I know is I definitely still think he will come back he must be going through a phase. I will wait for him to be done with his fling and come back to me." I said feeling nothing but sadness. "Are you fuckin shitting me right now Mel. This shit bag of a guy ditches you, supposedly cheats on you and all you can you is defend his vile actions?.." Yara spoke out at the top of her lungs. When she shouts it only means that she is really hurt and angry.

"I am sorry that I sound stupid and desperate but I have just been hurt by the only love I had ever known just ditched me okay he was the first guy who I gave my all to and the only guy I ever saw myself with for a long time possibly forever. So screw me for loving!" I matched Yara's tone in a fit of rage.

"We know your hurt but you most definitely can't be sad forever we won't let you and Henry definitely won't win the game of who is more happier after a break up No way! You have to level up and show him that he means nothing to you anymore. Or at least show him that he hasn't fazed you one bit." Amanda responds. "Amanda, Yara where would I even start with that huh?". It was silent until Yara sparked an idea in her head "I got the perfect idea wait for it....a REBOUND!"

Amanda looked shocked but I took it in and processed it. "That's the perfect idea, Henry will be so jealous he will have to get back with me." I said with lots of happiness in my voice, I would get my Henry back. "Woah hold up bitch, the purpose of the rebound is to forget about your stupid ex not to cling on the new flame in hopes to reignite the old burnt out one." Amanda responds to my so called "clinging idea".

"But I know Henry is the one I want now and always". "Oh really and let's say you fall for someone else or even your rebound what happens then dummy girl?" Yara comments. "That can never happen, look its simple I get a rebound make, Henry jealous get him back, end rebound and life is totally back to normal." I respond with a confident tone.

"I officially give up on you Melinda Thor, I just hope you can handle whatever you are doing because if not shit will definitely hit the fan hun." Amanda responds being very serious. " Are sure this is worth it Melly ?" Yara asks sounding doubtful.

"Don't worry I got this I am Melinda Thor after all."

All I need to do is find a hot rebound make Henry jealous, get him back after he does some begging of course all while making sure I don't fall for my rebound. Piece of cake right?

A rebound mixed with a dareWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu