Chapter 11: Face Mask

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Ross's POV:

"I am with you for my rep don't get ahead of yourself doll. You aren't my type of dream sorry." Oh shit what the fuck did I just say. I hope she didn't catch on to anything. I am so fucking stupid how can I slip up like this. I have to fix this now. "What the fuck do you mean you re..." and before she could finish talking I just slam my lips onto hers. And I mean she is a good kisser I will give her that. Her lips are just intoxicating I would have had so many make-out sessions with her if we didn't fight all the time.

Her scent is calming. Strawberries and vanilla, her soft hands on my face would always leaving me feeling incomplete when I no longer felt it. She is always dominating whenever she gets the chance but whenever we are physically touching she is submissive and calmer. At peace if you would.

She would always demand control when we kiss but I could never allow that to happen. Because for me whoever dominates the kiss dominates in the bedroom as well. So she would always lose in the game of dominance. After about 3 minutes in to the kiss she pulls away and only moves 2 inches away. We both just stare at each other in silence for a few seconds before she kisses me. And I don't fight back.

Melinda is a very attractive girl. I am quite frankly impressed with myself for not banging her already. Had it been any other girl I would have scored the first day of knowing her. As the kiss becomes intense I lose control. Lifting her up from the driver's seat I place her on top of me. I am so glad the move played out the way it did in my head otherwise it would ruin the mood.

Her body is just beautiful. Perky boobs, bubble ass and a waist the complimented all those features perfectly. She had a face of innocence. And the thing I loved on her face were her freckles and the beauty mark just above her upper lip, that was my favorite.

As I start lifting her shirt my phone starts ringing and I was going to ignore it but Melinda I guess you could say "came back to her senses" and stopped everything.

She pulls back looking very confused as to what she was doing. She hops back to the driver's seat and puts her face in her hands, and mutters something under her breath. All that's running through my mind right now is whoever called me is going to die very soon.

Melinda's POV:

What the hell was I about to do just now? I am sure I was minutes away from fucking Ross. I am losing my mind surely because how did I just lose all control like that. We were fighting so how on earth did we go from that to fucking in minutes.... Clearly Ross knows how to make a girl make a mistake.

"I was here to apologize not to get fucked." I even forgot what we were talking about before he kissed me. "Yeah sure. Sorry." whenever he ever apologized there was some reason behind it. But right now I don't care all I care about is him saying yes to go on the double date. "I wanted to apologize for earlier and I assure you that there is nothing going on between me and my ex." I get a blank stare from him. "It's okay I was being dramatic anyway." I think I am starting to like drunk Ross he is so much easier to deal with.

"Great. Because we have to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend." I said that making no eye contact and when I did glance his way after saying that call me crazy but I swear he sobered up completely. He just looks at me and sighs. "When is it?" is he actually considering it. "In two days." I respond. "Okay, well goodnight Melinda" before I can say anything back he gets out the car okay rude.

It's crazy how his presence was still in my car. His strong cologne was stuck on the passage seat and all over me too. It was addicting. I need to talk to someone about what is going on, Yara's house is the nearest from here. I head off. I arrive 10 minutes after. I get out the car and see no car in the drive way meaning her dad wasn't around, which meant she was home alone. I knock on the door and she opens the door and I almost jump out my skin when she opens it in a full on face mask.

"Melinda hey. Come in." I walk in while laughing. "Do you want a mask?" she says while pointing towards her face while laughing and I nod yes. I go sit on the couch and see Euphoria playing one of my favorite shows. Yara comes running down the stairs with her beauty products in hand and sits next to me. She starts masking my face and practically turns me into her doll. While she dolls with my face and hair I tell her everything that happened in the car with Ross.

And while telling her, she wanted every detail and I mean every detail. She wouldn't let me continue unless I tell her to the detail. "Wow, looks like you found quite a rebound indeed. So when are you fucking him?" I can't believe what she just said. She is always the logical one of all of us. "What, how can I do that? No way." I answer. She laughs "And why not because I bet you Henry is definitely fucking his girl whenever he can. And here you are being all holy for his ass." the picture of Henry even being near the girl disgust me, the image of them being intimate is gag worthy.

Before I could respond my phone started ringing and both me and Yara stare at it. It's Henry. "Bitch pick up and put it on speaker phone." I do as she says and we both move our head closer to the phone to listen.

"Ah ah daddy don't stop, right there." What the fucking hell... You have got to be kidding me.

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