Chapter 19: Pregnancy glow

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Ross's POV:

What am I looking at right now? "Dude isn't that Yasmine? And her Dad has moved on from her mom already?" Ben asks in a hushed tone so only I can hear. "Yes it is. Dude  go wait the table I need to know what their relationship is?" I nudge Ben in their direction.

"Are you kidding me right now why would I wait your ex's table. I am in charge which means you should go." He places the tray in my hands and walks past me laughing. I take a deep breath considering I am going to need it and I walk up to the table.

"Afternoon are you guys ready to order?" I put on my winnig smile and Yasmine lights up when she sees me. "Ross dear I didn't know you work here?" Yasmine looks at me in confusion to the question Melinda's mom asks. "You know each other?" Yasmine asks and I am just stuck here just smiling and trying not be awkward.

"Oh yes he is my daughter's boyfriend." Mrs. Thor answers. "Yeah yeah so are you guys ready to order?" I change the topic quickly. They all give me their orders and I rush off to the kitchen. "You good bro?" Ben  asks with a smirk on his face. "Yeah it's always good catching up with an ex." I put the order in and catch my breath.

"So what are they all doing here?" He glances at them from the kitchen. "It looks like a family gathering to me" Ben let's out a laugh. "Oh man you think your ex and your girl now are about to be family. Thanksgiving is about to be rough for you my man." He hits me on my back while laughing. "Shut up dude. This is crazy." The orders finish up and I head back.

I place the orders on the table and as I am about to leave Melinda's mom stops me. "Ross dear you should join us for dinner tonight." My heart stops beating for 5 seconds straight. "I might get off late I am not sure I will be able to." I answer of the top off my head hoping she accepts the answer.

"Oh nonsense the store closes in an hour today. Besides Melinda would be happy to see you and I could get to know you better. Come on please?" She smiles at me and I just can't be rude to her. "Okay why not." I answer. "Great." She cheers and I walk off.

I get back to the kitchen and Ben is waiting for me. "I guess Thanksgiving came early this year" I say sarcastically. "What do you mean?" He asks while eating a doughnut. "I mean I am going to dinner, they invited me to dinner man." And of course he laughs. "Good luck dude, your life is never dull" he continues laugh.

I wonder if Yasmine told her father about her pregnancy, I know she wouldn't it would ruin his image. And she values what he thinks of her too much. I will have to confront her another day because today is already too crazy for my liking.

After an hour I knock off and drive off right behind Mr. Darwin car, Yasmine's father never liked me so I am sure he hate my presence he didn't even say a word to me expect when he placed his order. I am stressing out right now a lot off things can go wrong during this dinner.

I am losing my mind thinking about it.  What if Yasmine says something about her pregnancy at the dinner her Dad will pin it on me for sure since he thinks poorly of me. I don't think she told him that we are done for good this time.

We arrive outside the house and we park the cars. "Come on I told Melinda to prepare dinner she must be waiting for us I told her I was bringing special guests." Mrs Thor opens the door and let's us in. "Ross I really have to talk to you." Yasmine whispers under her breath for only me to hear. "I don't want to talk to you" I answer back. I am sure she want to pin her pregnancy on me. We didn't  even get that into it at the party. She grabs on my arm and I pull it from her hand before Mrs Thor turns back to us smiling.

"Melinda come greet our guests." Melinda's footstep echo loudly in my ears as I await for her to see my dooms day. And when she finally locks eyes on me her eyes move over to Yasmine and it's like her soul leaves her body. "Good evening." She greets Mr. Darwin with a handshake and he greets back.

"Hi babe" she greets me with a kiss on the cheek and I smile in return I know she is mad bcs she never calls me that. "Hi I am Melinda and you are?" She extends her hand out to greet Yasmine.
"Yasmine darling" they shake hands while glaring at each other right after Yasmine rolls her eyes.

"Let's eat shall we." Mrs. Thor leads us to the dining table where Yasmine decides to sit in the middle of me and her Dad and Melinda is sat across from me with her mom. We pray over the food and then start eating in peace that is until Yasmine ruins it. "So Melinda how did you and your boyfriend meet?" her tone rather annoying than usual.

"At the café he works at you could say it was love at first sight, right Ross?" She asks while cutting a potato violently. "Yeah I definitely fell harder than I thought I would. I am really in love." I answer. "That's sweet. Let's hope it last forever" Yasmine smiles at me with a off look in her eyes. "Ross dear how many girlfriends have you had?" I choke on some rice as that question caught me off guard.

"Come on Ella the boy looks like he hardly keeps count off how many girls his kissed how on earth would he remember that?" Mr.Darwin speaks and now all eyes are on me because of his comment. "I have only one ex that was a long term relationship." I take a sip of the juice and wait for the topic to change.

"Yasmine what do you use for your skin girl because you are glowing?" Melinda asks. Of course Melinda is going to get dirty. I think even Yasmine looked confused but soon changed that expression to a prideful look.

"Its natural all natural." She answers looking very proud. Melinda rolls her eyes but smiles quickly after. "Wow all natural, that's so crazy it so good a stranger would say it's a pregnancy glow for real." Melinda laughs while Yasmine stays quiet but she starts laugh along too after a while before it get awkward.

The rest off the dinner goes by smoothly and we are served dessert. "So I have to announce something." Mrs. Thor and Mr. Darwin stand up together facing the table and us. They both look at each other smiling then look back at us. "We are getting married." They both annouce. Then there is silence. How long have they even been together?

"What??" Melinda breaks the silence. "Yeah what? It's been 3 months" Yasmine repeats. Then there is a knock on the door. Then 2 girls walk in, Melinda's friends. I recognize them from pictures of Mel's phone.

"What on earth is she doing here? You are dining with the girl who slept with my boyfriend Melinda?" One of the girl's speak. Melinda is just frozen in her seat. Can this night just end because the drama is never ending.

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