Chapter 16: Busted

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Melinda's POV:

I can't believe the nerve of this boy right now. He is literally just trying to get to my nerves which is working but he won't win. "Hey baby girl, would you like to dance?" a guy asks from behind me. I turn to look at him and he isn't that bad looking at all. He is tall, dark hair, blue eyes and a nice face.

"Sure, why not?" I answer grabbing him by the hand and pulling him to the dance floor. Making sure to pass Ross on the way there. Then I make sure to really grind and wine on him. Making sure that Ross has his eyes on me.

Everything was going my way up until a point where the dude starts to grabbing me all over in very inappropriate places. "Woah there, what are you doing?" I get his arm off that was going up my thigh and almost touching my cookie. "Oh come on, you know you want it." he whispers in my ear and I just get so disgusted.

I try getting loose from his grip on my waist. The music is so loud that literally nobody can hear me screaming at this man right now. Some way somehow he drags me to a hallway, where he tries pinning me against the wall, and kissing on me. "Get off me!" I try pushing back and he slaps me across the face.

"Bustard!!" I hear Ross from up front and he punches the man in the face. Ross immediately pins him down and he is just beating him up crazy. "Ross stop, stop it." I manage to calm him down and he gets up from him. "Are you alright, you always manage to pick the worst kind every time." he asks. "Well I guess you are part of that list huh?" I tease back.

"Ross great party." that voice. Yasmine of course who else. She walks towards us along with Henry, this is all so bad. "What are you guys doing here?" Ross asks them in a harsh tone. "We got invited by a friend." Yasmine responds. Ross mumbles something under his breath and walks away and I follow him, but I lose him in the crowd. "Uh can we talk?" Henry asks.

I nod my head and follow him outside. "So about the other day.. uh the kiss?" he starts. "It was a huge mistake I was not thinking straight otherwise I wouldn't have done that." he is lying because he is always fidgeting with his hands when he is.

"Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. It was something that should never happen again." then I swear I could see the hurt in his eyes. Damn I am good. "Yo dude did you see the hot babe that Ross took up to his room?" "Yeah I hope he is willing to pass her over to me next" two dudes walk past talking loud as ever. This is embarrassing because I am sure Henry heard that.

Damn it Ross, he just always has to do everything that's stupid. "By the way where is Yasmine?" I ask him, because I just noticed that she and Ross were nowhere in sight at the party. I really hope that my intuition is wrong because its putting two and two together and its disgusting me.

"She went to the bathroom last I checked. I better go back to her." Poor dude if only he knew what a slut of a girlfriend he has right now. I nod, and we both walk back into the house.

"Hey Melinda right?" some dude asks. "Yeah and you are?" I ask. He smirks and hold out his hand to greet. "My name is Danny, Ross good friend. I have heard a lot about you." I shake his hand. "You are definitely one strong girl." what does he mean. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "I mean Ross is a loose cannon, but even knowing that you stayed." he answers.

"Melinda do you know where the bathrooms are in the house? I can't find Yasmine." Henry interrupts the conversation. "Let's ask Ross, It's his house after all. His up in his room." Danny answers. His room? doing what and with who? We walk up the stairs and my stomach get tighter and tighter. We get to his room and there is a huge amount of moaning noises coming from there. A girl is in his room with him, I lose it and slam the door open.

Of course its her, who else. They are both naked when they pull away from each other. And I am so disgusted right now. He starts putting on his pants and Yasmine just stands there frozen. And I just lose it. I run towards her direction and starts slapping and punching and she fights back. "You are such a whore! I going to teach you a lesson today." Ross pulls me off her. And Yasmine starts wearing her clothes. Henry just stands by the door frame. Yasmine runs out of the room and I follow her and everyone just follows.

"Party's over everyone out." Ross yells and everyone gets out expect the ones who were in bedroom. "Ross are you kidding me right now? Of all the girls you picked her?" he just stares at me. "Would you relax please stop over reacting." he responds and I slap him across the face and leave the house in tears.

Ross's POV:

I really hate that I hurt her but I can't take it back. And I know exactly who planned to have me caught stupid idiot. Yasmine and Harry leave the house leaving me with Danny. "I know you planned this." I say to him. He just smirks and laughs. "You know me too well, Why care you know she is just a dare. Melinda is just a game. Don't tell me that the mighty Ross is falling for a girl." He blurts out. The his face does a shocked expression.

"She's a dare?" I just stand there in shock. Great this is exactly what I needed right now. I am just getting busted on everything today.

How do I fix this mess?...

A rebound mixed with a dareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin