Chapter 18: Everyone wants Yasmine

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Melinda's POV:

"I can't believe this right now." Breaking news Yasmine is just for everybody and I mean everybody. "I really didn't get what you were going through until it happened to me. But I just am trying to process all of this. Anyway enough about me how are you?" I can tell she is trying not to hurt, and believe me I can understand.

"Yeah a lot. I found out Yasmine and Ross are exes, then me and Henry kissed and then I found Ross and Yasmine banging each other and Henry stayed over for a sleepover right after. Yeah I think that's about it." say it out loud the past few days feel like a month of events. Yara just stares at me to process all that I have just said. "That was a lot. How long has it been since I have seen you again?" we both bust out laughing. There is a knock on the door and I get up to get it. It's Amanda with sweet treats. "Hey babes' Yara called." I hug her and we both go to the couch.

"Yara, babe I got medicine for you." Amanda greets her and hands her a mint chocolate ice cream. "Thanks you're a lifesaver." Yara responds while taking in a whole amount of ice cream in her mouth. "So what have I missed?" Amanda asks because she knows that tea is never ending. "Mel has officially became a walking movie." I guess Yara is feeling better. "What have you done now?" Amanda asks. And then I tell the story all over again and yet again she is shocked.

"I swear that you always find a way to complicate your life. I can't keep up anymore." Amanda responds in a sort of annoyed tone. "So wait are you and Henry are thing now or what?" She asks. "No we are not.." I answer. "Babe I love you but honestly you have to sort this out. Do you still like Henry?" The room goes silent.

I know that I am not feeling that romantic connection as much anymore. "I honestly don't know what I am feeling. I am just so confused but what I do know is that I have to talk to Ross." I respond. After saying that we just chill for a bit before they both leave. And I rush off to meet Ross for a nice little chat.

I drive off and arrive at the cafe in no time. It's only like 5 minutes into his break that started. I go in and I don't see him anywhere but I recognize Danny from the party. "Hey Danny." I greet, and I get a smirk in return. "Melinda, what's up?" he goes in for a hug and I am caught off gaurd and just hug him back.

"Nothing much I was just looking for Ross have you seen him?" I ask looking around for him. "No I haven't seen him. But I can keep you company I don't mind." I don't know what but something about him just creeps me out. "She won't be doing that because she already has my company thank you?" Ross walks up behind me pulling me into him by the waist.

"Stingy are we now Ross." Danny jokes and leaves me and Ross alone. "Let's go outside Angel, come on." he takes my hand in his and walks us outside to a table. "So what did you want to talk about?" I just shoot the question at him.

I think that there is nothing that can change the fact that what he did is disgusting. But I am not one to judge because I am technically lying to him right now. I do really like him that I know and I want to claim him. Yasmine can not have him at all cost.

Ross's POV:

I definitely feel something for Melinda and I hate having to see her upset because of me. But the fact that Yasmine is blackmailing me I don't think that I will be stopping even if I want to. "First off, I know you are upset but I promise you I was drunk and she was the one that came on to me. Believe me please okay I would never approach her first." her face is just looking unreadable. "I believe you." what? there must be a catch since when do girls believe boys.

"You do? I mean I am glad but I am surprised you haven't slapped me." she starts laughing. So I guess she is really not upset. "No I won't. But just to be clear you are not going to be doing that again. I hope we are clear." I won't lie she looks so hot when she is upset. "Yes Ma'am." I flirt and she blushes.

"There is something I need to tell you." there is a seriousness in her voice. She probably decided that she is upset after all. I nod my head showing her that she can continue. "Yasmine is pregnant." I must have heard wrong. "What?" I ask. "I said Yasmine is pregnant." she repeats. "How do you know this?" I am so confused right now. "She has been cheating with one of my friends boyfriend and she saw some text messages between them where she said she is pregnant." This is awesome.

This is exactly what I need to control her. If her dad ever found out about this she would lose her stake in her inheritance, and one thing that Yasmine loves more than herself is money. Oh I have got her now. "Wow, so who is the father?" she squints her eyes and I know what she is insinuating. "I am sure its not mine, the last time we got together before that party was about two months ago, she would be showing by now if it were mine." I am not catching a hands ball. "For your sake I hope you are telling the truth because if you are lying and I find out we are not going to talk no more." good thing I am not lying then.

"Noted." I answer. "Well I have to go prepare for my shift, I will see you later." she gets up and I get up and open my arms initiating a hug and she gets it. As she pulls away I pull her in for a kiss and she doesn't fight back. It's a passionate kiss, strawberry scented as always. "Ross, your break is over." We pull apart and that hurt a little bit. "Alright manager." I shout and I go in and Melinda walks to her car and drives off.

"I see you are getting busy." Ben jokes. "Shut up." we both laugh. The shift was going well up until something happened. The café door opens then I see Melinda's mom walking in with Yasmine's dad, hand in hand! with Yasmine walking in behind them. There is no way this is my life right now?

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