Chapter 50: Morgan

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Pov y/n

I knock on the door, feeling nervous because I have no clue what or who to expect. To my surprise, I see a familiar face.

"Happy?" I ask and he smiles kindly at me. I remember him being in the Stark Tower a few times when I was younger. One afternoon he even watched me because everyone was on a mission.

"Y/n. You've grown." He says with a smile and I am a little too stunned to answer, so I just nod.

Happy looks around before gesturing inside. I step into the house and look at everything. I'm in the entrance area, which leads to an open living room with a kitchen and dinning room close by. A little further in the back, there is a big table that looks like the ones Tony had in his lab. Next to that table, there are stairs, from which a little girl comes running.

"Who is it, Happy?" She asks and stops in front of me, curiously looking at me. I look at Happy. This isn't his kid, right?

"I'm y/n Romanoff." I introduce myself and smile at the little girl. She eyes me for a few more seconds before she smiles again.

"I'm Morgan Stark." She says and holds out her little hand to me. My brain is too slow to process but I still take her hand and shake it.

"Stark as in Tony Stark?" I ask and glance over to Happy, who settled down on the sofa in the living room.

"That's my Dad." Rose tells me proudly and I don't understand anything anymore.

How can Tony have a daughter?
She's what?
Four, maybe five?
Did so much time pass?
But it felt like three seconds... that can't be right.

My head starts to spin a little bit with all the thoughts and I walk over to the sofa to sit down. Morgan follows me with an interested expression on her face. Happy looks at me as well, sympathy showing in his eyes.

"How can he have a daughter?" I mumble, more to myself than to anyone else.

"Well, Mommy and Daddy really loved each other and then one night, they shared a bed and Daddy put a baby into Mommy's belly." Morgan explains and sits down next to Happy, leaning against him. I rest my elbows on my knees and hold my head in my hands. This is all so crazy and I can't wrap my head around it.

"Morgan, why don't you go play a little? I'm gonna talk to y/n while you do so, okay?" Happy asks the little girl and she nods, brushing some of her hair out of her face before sliding off the sofa.

"But remember: the garage is off limits!" Happy calls after her before turning to me.

"You must have a few questions." He says and I look at him, feeling more than just a little lost.

"I sure do." I sigh and lean back, my hands starting to fiddle in my lap.

"How old is she?" I ask and Happy glances towards the stairs. "Four." 
I shake my head, my eyes staying on the stairs for a few more seconds before I look back at Happy.

"How? I've been gone a few seconds." I stammer a little. Happy tilts his head a little, taking in my words that seem to make him think.

"It really felt like a few seconds for you? From the moment you... to when you were back?" He asks, avoiding to name the fact that I disappeared or died or whatever. I nod and he hums, nodding slowly.

"That's interesting. What felt like seconds for you, were a much longer time for everyone who stayed. It's been five years since the snap." He says and it feels like something really heavy just hit me. 5 years?! I've been snapped away for five years? That's insane!

"No, it can't-" I mumble, stopping myself and looking back at the stairs.

Isn't Morgan the evidence for what Happy just said?
She's four, when else should she have grown up?

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