Chapter 47: What do you know about quantum physics?

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Pov Nat

The motion sensor at the entrance of the compound suddenly goes off. I look at the video that pops up. Steve comes a few steps closer and looks at it too.

"Hey, it's Scott, Scott Lang. We met at the airport back in Germany. I was the guy that was really tiny and then really big."

"Is that an old recording?" Steve asks and crosses his arms. I shake my head and stand up from my chair.

"No, it's the front camera." I say and open the front gate for Scott.

I vaguely remember him but I haven't seen him since the blip, not that we would be in contact anyways. It's still unusual though that he just shows up. Steve looks at the video for a few more seconds while I clean the desk a little and wait for Scott to arrive.

Turns out, Scott was considered blipped. He tells us about how he was trapped in something he calls the 'quantum realm'. I understand about the half of what he says.

"That must have been really long five years then. Being trapped must have been awful." Steve says and Scott shakes his head, almost seeming excited about this.

"That's the point, it wasn't because for me it wasn't five years, it was only five hours." He says and starts to pace up and down.

"Time works different in the quantum realm... Do you know something about quantum physic?" He asks, looking between Steve and me. Steve shakes his head while I nod.

"I read some stuff, just the basics to make conversations." I shrug and Steve looks at me in surprise. Scott turns to me and points at me.

"Then you also know..." He starts and lists off some facts about quantum physics. A few I understand but most of them are too specific. Steve leans against the desk, seeming totally lost.

"I know, this might sound really crazy..." Scott looks at me and Steve as if he wanted to assure us, that it's not.

"I get e-mails from a racoon, nothing is crazy anymore." I say dryly and for a second Scott seems confused but then he returns to what he was gonna say.
"With all that, we might be able to time travel."

I look at him, trying to process his words. Scott is really excited about what he just told us and looks at us for a reaction. I honestly can't exactly wrap my head around what he just said and what that could potentially mean.

"Could we...reverse what happened?" I ask slowly and without needing to explain that further, the others understand what I mean.

"Not exactly reverse but we could travel back in time and prevent it." Scott says and I feel my heart starting to beat faster. Even if there's just the tiniest chance of getting y/n back, I am willing to do anything for it.

"And you have the whole time traveling thing figured out completely?" Steve asks a little skeptical but in his eyes shines a certain hope. Scott tilts his head from one side to the other.

"Not completely, no, but I can work on it. Maybe with some help though..." He trails off and looks into my direction since Steve already didn't understand what Scott said about quantum physics. I hold up my hands.

"I really only know the bare minimum, I wouldn't be much of a help." I am honest and Scott nods, deflating a little.

"But I know someone who could help." I say and the men's eyes dart to me.

"I'm not sure." Steve says, knowing exactly who I'm talking about.

I knock at the door, glancing back at Steve and Scott. They seem a bit tense too. When I hear the door opening, I look back and am surprised to see a little brunette girl standing in front of me.

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