Chapter 38: Old room

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Pov y/n

"When did our life became such a mess?"

Wanda turns around to look at me. We are currently changing into some fresh clothes. When we ran away, we only took the gist, so the closet is pretty much full with our clothes.

"Like, first we had to flee because the government was after us, then we settle in England, from which we kind of had to flee again and then we settle in Scotland. For a few months, everything is fine but then suddenly Hydra appears, takes you hostage and literally the week after that, we are attacked by aliens and now I'm sitting in our old room again." I say, starting to feel overwhelmed. I throw the sweatshirt onto the ground and sink down on the bed, burying my head in my hands.

"Hey, hey, hey." Wanda coos and quickly comes over to me, kneeling down in front of me.

"It's okay." She mumbles and gently wraps her arms around me. I feel the tears forming in my eyes and shake my head.

"I don't want to cry." I mumble and take my hands off my face and look up at the ceiling, trying to keep the tears from rolling down my eyes.

"Why? It's totally okay to cry." Wanda says softly, placing her hands on my knees.

She doesn't care about the fact that we're both only in underwear. I have trouble wording my thoughts and just shake my head. She gets up and sits down next to me, gently taking my face into her hands and turning it to look at her.

"You've been strong for a long time now and a lot has happened, you are allowed to cry." She says and I bite my lip.

"You haven't cried in a while either." I point out, not sure what my point behind it is. Wanda shakes her head.

"That's not true. I pretty much cried the whole time when I was captured by Hydra." She disagrees and I look at her. Her eyes are soft and honest and that only makes me want to cry even more.

"But that is normal, you were kidnapped." I mumble and she gently brushes her thumb over my bottom lip, freeing it from my teeth.

"Why are you trying to invalidate your feelings, baby?" She asks softly. I shrug.

"I don't know. I just feel like...I wanna be strong for you. We are both going through a lot right now and I don't wanna make you feel like you have to take constant care of me." I try to explain it and gesture towards my chest and leg. Wanda hums in acknowledgement. Her hands continue to cup my face and her thumb rubs soft circles over my cheek.

"You are doing a really good job at being strong but sometimes, a part of being strong is also to cry when it's all too much. You can't bottle up your feelings and hope that they'll go away. It's important to feel them and only will make you stronger. And about the part of me taking care of you: I don't see you as a burden at all. I love you with everything I have and I love taking care of you. And if you need to cry, then cry, I will hold you tight and be there for as long as you need me. And if you get injured, I'll be the first to patch you back up. And if you succeed, I'll be in the front row of cheering you on. It's all a part of life and our relationship. I care so much about you and I want you to know that I will never ever get sick of taking care of you, no matter in what way." She says and her eyes are so soft and full of love, that it breaks down my last wall.

I start to cry and allow Wanda to pull me into her embrace. She holds me close and rocks us back and forth a little while brushing over my back.
I allow all the feelings that I've been holding back to come crushing down onto me.

"I have you." Wanda whispers before kissing my hair and continuing to hold me close.

All the worry, fear and sadness from the past few weeks and months run through my body and form into tears that run down my face and drip onto Wanda's shoulder or the bed. But she doesn't complain, she's just there for me, being my rock through it all. If I didn't have her by my side right now, I probably would have lost myself in my thoughts and feelings. But with her right by my side, I know that I can come back from this and that I am not alone with everything.

When the tears get less, I pull away a little and Wanda cups my cheek with one hand, wiping away a tear before leaning closer and kissing my forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She offers and I shrug before looking around for a tissue. With a slight movement of Wanda's fingers, a tissue box comes flying and I weakly smile and take one out to wipe my tears and blow my nose.

"I guess it just has been a lot." I say, my voice still croaky from crying.
Wanda nods understandingly, her one arm still wrapped around me. "And I honestly just want to be happy with you." I sigh.
Wanda hums and I lean my head against her shoulder.

"Everything changed so suddenly and quickly and now the whole world suddenly is in danger."

I pull my legs closer and cross them.
"It all happened very fast." Wanda agrees and I nod against her shoulder.

"I just wanna be happy with you." I mumble and scoot impossibly closer to Wanda.

"That's all I want for us too." She whispers and for a while we just sit there in silence.

"Why can't we just be happy?" I ask and look up at her. She sighs and brushes some hair out of my face.

"The world doesn't seem to have that planned for us right now." She replies and I look down and nod. Despite the missing clothes, I am still wearing my engagement ring.

"Do you think it'll ever have that planned for us?" I ask her and she takes my hand, brushing over the ring.

"I am optimistic. And if it doesn't have it planned, then it better does that because otherwise, I'm gonna take care of that. Nothing and no one will keep me from marrying you. At some point, there has to be peace for us, I believe in it." She says and I look up at her, a soft smile on my lips.

"I love you, do you know that?" I ask and her eyes light up at my words.

"I kinda gathered something like that." She answers and leans closer to kiss me softly. It's an innocent kiss, almost like a promise that we will make it one day. When we pull away, I lean my forehead against hers.

"We can manage whatever is coming our way, right?" I ask and Wanda nods.

"We can and we will." She promises. Her hold on me changes and I squeal a little in surprise, when she lifts me onto her lap, so I am now straddling her.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." She whispers and I feel warm and safe. Her hands rest on my hips and I put mine onto her shoulders.

"And I will always have your back." I promise and she smiles and nudges my nose with hers.

"We make a pretty decant team, don't we?" She asks and her thumbs start to draw little circles onto my skin.

"We definitely do." I hum and hug her tightly. Wanda really is my everything and now that we are back in the compound, I realize, that it doesn't matter where I go, as long as Wanda is with me, it feels like home.
Because home isn't a place anymore, it's a person.

I lean back and give her another soft kiss.
"You know that you can always come to me, when you need support, no matter if emotional, physical or mental. I will be there for you, no matter how long it may take because you are my number one priority." I tell her, locking eyes with her. Wanda smiles softly and nods.

"I know, thank you. You already do so much more for me than you know. If I didn't have you...I don't know where I would be right now. I don't even know if I would have ever gotten out of that cell in the first place. You changed my life and made it so much better." She replies and my whole body fills up with warmth and love for her.
I lean my forehead against hers and we just stay silent for a few minutes, enjoying the peace before the upcoming storm.

"Can we sleep without clothes tonight? I have a feeling that we might not get to do that for a while." I ask and Wanda smiles softly and nods.

"Of course, we can." She says and I smile. Even though it's not the evening yet, we crawl into bed after getting out of our bras and I cuddle close to her. Feeling her skin against mine always calms me down and I enjoy it.
Not in a sexual way, more in a sensual, intimate way. We didn't do it that often but I love it and right now, it just feels right. If we can spend the next few hours like this, maybe then I am halfway ready for what awaits us in Wakanda. 

A/n: Just a fluffy little chapter with a bit of hurt/comfort.

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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