The UnderVanquish Entries. - Asgore/Part 5. (Contains Spoilers.)

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Entry-4. - Life Decisions.

Waking up alone, in darkness. "Ahriman?..."


Slowly getting up, looking around only to hear a familiar voice suddenly behind him.

"Asgore, look what you've become...You are a complete wreck!"

Tears immeditely fall from his eyes. "Tori!??" He turns around to see her, as she once was. Her original self, grown and not reborn.

She looks sad and tired.

"Where is everyone? I last remember us about to marry again...Why do you look like that? Who harmed your face and body, y-you are covered in dust...What is going on???" Tears falling.

He walks slowly to her, she does not move from her spot, they embrace.

Responding to her in a sadden tone. "I do not know where to begin, but you might never love me again..."

They stop embracing after what feels like awhile. Looking up at him with a serious look. "Tell me everything, i might understand if you tell me Gory."

He grinds his teeth briefly, tightening his fists. He says in a hesitant voice. "Let's sit down first, this might take while..."

She nods. They sit down together.

Later. . . . .

Covering her mouth. "I was truly reborn after all!?!?? B-But how am I here? Speaking to you as i am? I do not remember dying multiple times or you attacking me in the lab..."

Lowering his head in shame and self-loath. "You must either be a fragment of hers somehow visiting me in my sleep or something much more complex. Perhaps a much larger piece of her soul, but i suggest getting far away from me as possible. You would be in danger lingering around.."

Toriel growls. "I do not fear this Ahriman, if he truly says he will not harm me or our children. Then alright."

Asgore coldly responds, looking at her with a empty look. "I do not want him near you and the children."

Toriel shaking her head sideways. "That might be unavoidable and only cause more harm for you Gorey." Sighing. "I am sorry to say this, as awful as it may be...But you might have to do as he says for now. Just to keep yourself alive and well."

Asgore gasps. "But hes insane and evil! A terrible person! He cannot be trusted!"

Toriel giggled. "Look at Gaster's allies, insane in background, terrible...Mad-Gaster i am sure is evil in nature and soul but he is on the side of good, i think?

Maybe Ahriman is confused and cannot help it. Perhaps, the savestar is messing with his mind or something even deeper than that...He might have a complex backstory to him. Investigate, be secretive about it,your choices but do not look suspicious to him. Gain his trust and whatever you do...Do not lose yourself in the process.

Even though what he does is beyond awful, just do it anyways...Only to survive for now, even if it means pleasing him . . ..But also in the background, find a way to get out of his grip, to stop his goals as well. Even if it means something we both loath. Get human souls..Asgore, you might have to gather souls secretly, if it comes down to it. Fuse souls with yours.

Become a god and end Ahriman's Existence, but only if you have no other choice.

But first learn about him and what and who he is. His strengths and weaknesses. EVERYTHING!

I would normally never suggest such awful acts...But you need my help."

He holds her close again.

"Thank you Tori, i love you and will do just that...I promise i will help you somehow."

She responds in a serious tone. "Please do not harm or Kill Gaster,his friends. Not to mention our old friends which are both Monsters and Humans from our universe."

Asgore pats her head. "I won't...But i will have to act like it, maybe i can later convince him to spare more than just you and our children. But for now i am sorry."

Frowning at him. "I understand, well take care and may we meet again...But just know now. My rebirth can never be undone. Not without destroying me in the process. . .Not even my Determination would save me Gory. But i am sure the soul fragmenting and fusing back part will be fine, getting my age back to normal in the future...Just be careful Gory."

He sniffled. "C-Could i kiss you?"

Shaking her head sideways. "That would be a little weird, given my current situation Gory, but there is nothing wrong with more hugs."

He responds. "But your form before me is a grown woman."

She sighs. "Trust me, hugs."

He replies. "Alright."

Embracing once more, but briefly.

Looking at him. "Take care Gorey! Try to get him to like you, maybe things will be alright in the end! Who knows, maybe deep down he was a good person and could be again?"

Asgore lowers his head. "I do not think he was ever a good person, but i will do my best to get him to like me and have me be on his level of respect. I love you!"

She smiles. "I love you too! Farewell and be careful!"

Disappearing before him slowly in a smokey like fog.


Sometime later. . .Reappearing in front of a huge Technological looking Portal, about to touch it, until he hear's Asgore speak out to him.

"Ahriman, i-i promise i will be more loyal...just Find my wife and children, spare them."

Ahriman in his shadow-like form sighs, looking at Asgore. "Huh? When did you wake up? I said i would, just go back to sleep and soon we will reach a new place to reside in."

Asgore responds in a serious tone. "If I become more loyal to you, will you start showing me some respect? I am the king you know."

Ahriman scuffs. "You were the king in your Universe and killed many lives...You killed your Toriel and betrayed your own people."

Asgore sighs. "I still am the king, well...I still exist don't i? Wouldn't that mean i still am, in some way?"

Replying to Asgore in a monotone voice, in his shadow-creature form. "Asgore, you no longer have a kingdom to rule over. . . .You told me before that your universe was destroyed and oddly enough by your wife???"

Asgore replies in a sadden tone. "She was not herself during that whole event...The savestar did it to her...I just wish it could have been avoided."

Sounding surprised. "You would truly show me loyalty and respect? No more resisting?"

Asgore sighs. "This has been my life for a good bit of time now, resisting would only be a bad choice on my end, plus those close to me. Besides, I would have nowhere else to go and I have an unpleasant reputation.

Becoming truly loyal to you and respectful would be better. I am not a fool, but i have made foolish choices to be sure..I will stop resisting. I only hope the results with my family are good." Sounding sad.

"You worry too much, but have made excellent choices. Now rest."

Asgore responds. "I do still feel exhausted from earlier. . ."

Calmly smiling at him. "I will help you rest. Seeing Ahriman's hand reach out from the darkness. Blue energy glows from it.

He falls asleep again.

Ahriman thinks to himself. *Where did this come from!? How peculiar, did all of that extra determination earlier knock some sense into him? Heh if i had known that would have been the case, i would of done so sooner. Well, asgore i will see how much you really mean those words. The test of your loyalty will come to be.*

Touching the portal. It starts to glow on and off. Entering through it, holding Asgore. Watching as the portal closes behind them both.

Reappearing in front of massive pillars, in the middle are flowers in the middle.

End of Entry-4. - Life Decisions and Past's to be revealed.

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