The UnderVanquish Entries. - Asgore/Part 4. (Contains Spoilers.)

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Entry-3. - Plans for the worst!

(Note: This is years later, like Chapter 6 now.)

Asgore sighs, sitting against a nearly split in two Tree in Snowdin, in some random universe.

Dust is everywhere on the ground. No signs of life anywhere. He is covered in dust and blood.

Looking up at the sky, now humming quietly to himself. Stands up and heads for Grillbys.

Heading inside to be greeted by Ahriman. "Did you finish the task I assigned you?"

Asgore nods. "Yes, there is no life left in this universe." lowering his head.

Hearing his footsteps, feeling his head being raised up to see Ahriman staring directly at him with a calm expression, his right eyebrow raised. "why the long face? this normally does not bother you."

Asgore replied. "I just miss my wife and children. . .Killing that Toriel, I-"

Ahriman shaking his head. "Asgore, she was not your Toriel and because of that, the toriel here was not worth existing. Only your Toriel matters, alright? unless you want to replace your wife with someone else and undo our deal." His voice sounding icey-cold at the end.

Asgore unable to move his head, it is tightly in Ahriman's grip. "No, never! I would never replace my wife!"

Ahriman grinned. "Your thoughts on our deal, is it that of loyalty i hear? or do you have inner thoughts of leaving me still!?"

Asgore replied in a serious voice. "I will stay with you, just keep your end of the deal. My loyalty has grown overtime and i will not tarnish it!"

Ahriman gently releases him and smiles kindly. "Wise choice, my friend. I have many more things to teach you today. Those attacks were basic, now for the more serious training. Do you wish to start today or tomorrow?"

"Anytime is good."

Ahriman pats his head. "Very eager, i admire that powerful wave of ambition! Let's go into the void, i need to take those savestar fragments away from this place."

Asgore nods. Both leaving the empty underground.

The portal closes, the portal reopens in the void.

Ahriman puts the glowing purple fragments in a small jar and a few in his hair.

Smirking immensely. "Here asgore, i will give you 2 fragment's for the astounding work you have done lately, making your Determination, more powerful and as a gift for your continuous loyalty!"

Asgore watches in amazement, to see his soul come out of his body without dusting, Ahriman grabs it and attaches the savestar fragments to his Soul.

Feeling his soul return, notices that his eyes are now glowing purple.

Looking at his hands. "So this is what power feels like...."

Ahriman laughs. "Asgore, this is only the beginning." Patting his head.

Asgore thinks to himself. *Toriel, Asriel, Chara...I will be with you someday and i will do anything to make it happen!*

He sees his own hands turn into pure darkness, it is spreading throughout his whole body, from the bottom, to his waist now. Now covering his neck. He is panicking.

Ahriman grabs both of his shoulders. Staring directly in his eyes again.

"Asgore, relax! you are only changing into something magnificent. We share the same save files, I sensed it the day we met...I gave you a small piece of my soul and power as a way of healing your wounds awhile back, you are merely turning into a more powerful goat monster.

I can now train you without any risks of endangering your life, it will take some time, but you might even become more powerful then me or atleast close to it, heh. You will have my abilities to a certain extent. Enjoy!"

Releasing his grip on Asgore's shoulders.

Asgore quickly puts his hands on both sides of his head and is screaming. "MAKE THE VOICES STOP! SO MANY VOICES!" his head now covered in darkness, not responding to anything Ahriman told him.

Ahriman quickly places his left hand on Asgores forehead and starts chanting some spell.

The darkness is fading away. Asgore nearly falls over.

Ahriman quickly changes in form, into his shadow form and catches him. "There there!, everything will be alright. It was just lots of extra power and new forms of energy. Your Determination was having alittle freak out, but i calmed that down for you.
No more monotone voices for you. Rest, we can train later."

Picking him up. "I will find us a better place to reside in, other than the void."

Asgore faintly responds. "T-Toriel...P-Please find, Toriel."

Ahriman growled quietly, thinking to himself. *I give you all of this and you focus on her still? Set her aside sometimes, will you? Eh, if it will keep you loyal to me then fine. I will find your wife for you and your children. Heh and I think I know, just the place.*

He says to Asgore in a reassuring voice. "Do not worry my friend, i will find your family for you. Rest, you've earned it." Covering Asgore's eyes, his hands glowing blue. Asgore falls asleep immediately.

Ahriman grinning in his shadow form, thinking to himself. *You will have your goals gained and I shall have mine. I will put your loyalty to the test once more, let's see how you act when we return to the lab.*

Both disappearing from their current location after he chants a strange spell, laughing evilly.

11/13/2023 - 3/1/2024. This is towards The Asgore entries so far.

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