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Dabi's POV:

I open the front door to see my mother shuffling through her peruse. "Lost keys?" I tease. "Always. I'm sorry if I woke you honey." I wipe the bottom of my face letting her inside. "No, no, I was uh..." Fuck, what do I say? "So, how was the event?" I ask not even knowing where the hell they were. "It dragged," Natsuo answers making his way straight to the kitchen. "Natsuo, don't be rude," My mother says sternly. "He's not wrong, Dad talks so damn much," Fuyumi complains setting her hand bag on the dinning table. 

"Hey where's Shoto?" I ask, noticing the lack of a candy cane. "Very funny Dabi," my mother says taking off her gray trench coat. I give her a confused look but I don't get the chance to answer because the asshole comes in, shutting the door behind him. 

"I hope you didn't have too much fun without us," Mom says in attempt to relieve the tension. It only get worse when Tomura comes down the stairs adjusting the rim of his black hoodie. They all stare at him in awe like he's a fucking alien. "Hello," he chirps waving slightly.

I'm so fucked. 

"Who the hell is this?" The asshole snaps. I notice Tomura flinch slightly. Fucking jackass. He just smiles. "I'm Tomura. I'm Dabi's fir-"


Fucking end me.

"Tomura is my boyfriend." I place my hand on his hip pulling him closer to me. The asshole looks like he's fucking boiling but Mom claps her hands in excitement. "Oh my, really?" She rushes up to him and grabs him by his shoulders. "Oh how pretty," she says with a full teeth smile. Tomura's face turns a light shade of pink. "Thank you, Mrs. Todoroki." She softly rubs his upper arms. "You have to stay for dinner." I glance at the jackass knowing that'll be a terrible idea. 

But Mom doesn't seem to give two fucks so I don't either. 

"I was just about to start cooking." She says before going into the kitchen. He tugs onto my sleeve. "What was that about?" he questions. "Why are you still here?" I shoot back. "What? You wanted me to go through the window?"


"No, fuck you." 

He follows my mom into the kitchen. "Mrs. Todoroki, let me help you with that." Fuyumi takes his spot next to me. "You guys have fun?" Her tone rattles me to my core. "Yeah we....talked." Damn I'm a terrible liar. "Hmmm, are those your sweatpants?" I follow her gaze to Tomura and fuck he's wear my pants. "Shit," I mumble and she just giggles. "Yeah....talked. Okay." I roll my eyes and walk to the bar area. 

Tomura rolls up his sleeves and washes his hands in the sink. "So what were you too up to while we were gone?" Mom asks. "We were looking at collages." How does he lie so damn quickly? "Oh?" Tomura takes the packaged soba from her. "Yes. Me and Dabi were talking about attending the same one so we can live on campus together." I look at him wide eyed. I couldn't tell if he was lying anymore. "Oh that is so cute. How long have the two of you been together?" she asks, handing him a large pot that he fills with water. "Five months." Damn, it's been that long? I'm just realizing that this is the longest relationship I've been in.

"Oh hello sleepy head." 

I turn around to see Shoto coming down the stairs. Motherfucker. Me and Tomura share a panicked glance. He was here the whole damn time!? Wait so he was here when Tomura came over and the kitchen....and just now....oh shit.

"Hello mother." He yawns. "I hope these two weren't too loud for you sweetheart." Shitshitshitshit. "No. Tomura showed me some of his drawings and taught me how to shade. But when they started talking about school I got bored and went to sleep." I fucking love this kid. "Well that was very nice of him." I can tell by her tone that she wants me to marry him. And fuck at this point, I just might. 

"I hope you make good soba," Shoto says getting on to the bar stool next to me. "That would make two of us." When my mother goes into the fridge I lean over and ask, "Hey did you mean that? Like, living together?" He smiles turning off the water. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while and I've been meaning to talk to you about it. I'm sorry for just springing it on you." 

"No, no, I would fucking love to live with you Tomura." Shoto shoves me aside. "You know you have to teach me how to shade now, right?" Tomura laughs. "Oh of course." Mom comes back to the counter. "I'll take care of that honey," she says. "Well at least let my cut the vegetables."

This feels so fucking nice.

He fits in so damn well here. My mom fucking likes him. My mom. He's perfect. I watch him cook with her. Laughing and giggling. Smiling. I haven't seen her this happy in so damn long. "You should come over more often." He looks at me wide eyed. "Yes, that would be wonderful," Mom exclaims. "Oh, I-I wouldn't want to impose. It seems like a family thing."

"You are family."

All of the color drains from his face and it becomes basically impossible to read him. Shit, did I do something wrong? Maybe I'm moving too fast? "You mean that?" His voice shakes slightly. "He absolutely does." Mom grabs him by his shoulders and turns him to her. "You are welcome here anytime, you understand?" He stares at her and he looks heartbroken.... "Yes ma'am," he whispers. She pulls him closer to him, trapping him in an embrace. "Yay, I have a brother I actually like!" Fuyumi says hugging him from behind. But he stared at me. 'Love you' I mouth. 'I love you too.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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