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Dabi's POV:

"Touya get the fuck up!!" Why does he feel the need to yell so loud in the morning? On a Sunday at that. Asshole. I throw my blanket off me and drag my feet across my room. "TOUYA!!" I'm awake enough to know he's saying my given name. "FUCK OFF!" I shout back. I want to go back to sleep but all of the tiredness has exited my body. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm too hungover to go to the gym. I pick up my phone to see a few messages from the group chat. 

Prom Queen:
I'm just saying, it was hot
But completely unnecessary

Drgaon Tamer: 
You are insane, it was not hot
that shit was horrifying

Bird Brain:
Its one thing to swim in your boxers
Its another to cannon ball butt ass naked

I agree with shuchi, it was scary as fuck.

Am i the only one that was turned on

Dragon Tamer:
What the fuck

What is your problem!?

Prom Queen:

Fucking idiots. I toss my phone onto my bed. I'll probably go for a run later. "Hey, Dab-" Fuyumi sticks her head into my room. "Why the hell do you have no clothes on?" I hold my head and wince. "Quit yelling," I mumble. "What the hell do you take?" She puts her entire body on the door frame. "I don't remember." I go to my drawer to find a pair of sweatpants. "You feel up for today?" I turn to her and give her a confused look. "What's today?" She glares at me. "It's the second Sunday of the month." Why the fuck can't she just tell me. "Am I driving you to the ice rink?" She groans. "It is so hard not to strangle you every time you open your mouth." So she's not going to the ice rink? "It's 'twin bonding day'."

Ohhhhh. Fuck.

Mom thought that me and Fuyumi's relationship was strained when we were younger. She says that a bond between twins is irreplaceable and 'extremely special'. She couldn't wrap her head around how much we fought. Tell me you're an only child without telling me you're an only child. She made mandatory twin hangouts. "Right, right. Okay." I close the drawer. "Um, let me get dress." She nods. "By the way, boxers count as clothing." She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Oh, and dad wants you. Something about your new schedule next month?" I wave her off. "Yeah, yeah, tell him to go to hell." She closes the door and I turn to my closet. Yumi won't let me leave in sweatpants and a hoodie. So I have to put really pants on. I should've taken my ass back to sleep.


After I get dressed, and Fuyumi approves my outfit, we leave. Through the back door of course, I'm not fucking dealing with that asshole. "Give me the keys." I don't fight her because if I drive...let's just say no more twin bonding. We get into the car and she pulls way from the house. "So...where are going?" Her grip on the wheel tightens. "You're fucking useless." I lean against the window. "You're supposed to be nice to me." She fakes a smile. Then we both laugh. Mom might have been right. We do need these days. "We're going to boba." I groan. "You picked the last place," she whines. "Besides, I'm behind the wheel." I leave it at that. 

The rest of the ride is quiet. I almost fall asleep but the sound of her unbuckling her seat belt makes me push myself off the door. "Do you want coffee or boba?" she asks as we walk inside. "Ew, why would I want coffee?" I gag. "It helps with hangovers." We fall into the short line. "No it doesn-, I'm going to sit down." I sit at the corner table where there's less light. I pull out my phone and lean against the wall. 

Where the hell are you?

Twin bonding day

Fucking lucky.

Focus on your reps, it'll help with your boner.

Fuck you.
You doing extra tomorrow?
Or running?

I leave her on read. I don't have the energy to think about workouts. "I got you what I usually get." She sets a pink drink in front of me. "Popping strawberry?" She smiles, as she sits in front of me. "How's the skating? We haven't talked about that in a while. Dad isn't pushing is he?" She fidgets with her straw. I started off with a personal topic, I should've eased into. I came off to strong. "A little. But he just wants me to succeed. And I still like it. I love it, I want it to be my life and honestly I'm glad he wants that for me too."

Yumi doesn't see things I do. She tries to have a positive look on everything. Only she can see being forced to skate for twelve hours a day as love. I'm just scared it'll get to the point where she's over it. "I've got a competition coming up actually, forgot to tell you," she says before taking a sip of her drink. "What day?" I ask, pulling up my calendar. "Next Friday, at nine." Shit, I have a game. She can see the look on my face. "It's fine if you can't come." I can hear the disappointment in her voice as the words leave her mouth. "No. No, I-I am coming." I can make it work. 

"Anyway, you and Rumi?" She giggles. It's almost too easy to change her mood. Best part of having her as a sister. No matter what I do, she can never stay mad at me. "Things seem to be getting serious." She pushes her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I guess they are." She softly kicks my shin. "What about you? Anyone you're interested in?" I stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Nah, you know how the people are school are." She nods. "Yeah, understandable. But there's gotta be someone." I sit up. "Fuyumi, I fucking swear if you try to set me up again I will murder you." She leans forward. "Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the FBI agents listening to our conversation can hear you." I push her forehead, shoving her away from me. She throws her head back laughing. "You suck." She covers her mouth and mumbles, "That seems more up your alley."

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now