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tomura's pov:

"is it really that weird?" i look up at the blinding moon. "a little. it's cute though." i softly swing my legs, making the swing...swing. "the whole things feels off. like they're pranking me or something," i mutter. "tomura, you have to stop thinking everyone is out to get you." it's hard to do that when everyone has always been out to get me. 

"how was your date with nejire?" i ask, changing the topic. he doesn't notice. and if he did, he doesn't call me out on it. "it was really nice." i wrap my arms around the chains, putting my hands in my pockets. it's fucking freezing. "where'd you guys go?" mon lays down next to my feet. "this restaurant near the cafe' you work at. dang it, i forgot the name. but it was supper nice." i pull my beanie down, covering my ears. "also, moms is feeling better. she's back home now. and moving around." i slow down a little bit. "that's good. i'll come over tomorrow." 

"you could come over today."

i wish more than anything that i could. but i can't. my dad will mad enough that i came here. thats why i brought mon. when i get home she starts barking uncontrollably and it wakes him up. this way, i can just put her in the backyard and sneak through the window. maybe gas light him into thinking i was home all night. 

"i have to take care of mon, you know the bastard wont even let her inside." that's technically true. "i'm gonna head back," i state. "okay, text me when you get there?" I pull my phone out of my pocket. "yeah." i hang up and pull out my headphones. I get off the swing and grab mon's leash. "ready to go home?" she barks at me. "sorry. are you ready to go back to the house?" she barks again. "me either." i kneel down and unhook her leash. "come on." she follows me away from the park. 

when i get to the house i climb over the gate. i land quietly on my feet and open the gate. mon runs across the yard and straight into her dog house. i re-lock the gate and go to the side door. i slowly open the side door being as quite as physically possible. I take my shoes off and set them by the front door. i carefully walk up the stairs. i open my door and turn on the light. 

"where the hell have you been." i flinch violently and for a second, my hearts stops. "dad." why the fuck is he awake? it's one in the morning. "where the hell have you been." he doesn't say it as a question, it's a statement. "I-" i eye the folded belt in his hand. suddenly i can't breathe. "close the door." i do, hoping that it'll be less painful if i comply. he winds his hand back and smacks me in the face. i let out a painful gasp. i always try my best to stay quite. i'm not giving this bastard the satisfaction of knowing i'm pain. "i got a call from your work, they said you didn't come in." i should've have to explain myself, but i do.

"i went to the hospital." i can see the fear in his eyes. "what did you say?" of course his mind goes there. "nothing." he grip me by my hair. "what did you say!?" i slap his hand away. "i didn't say anything!" he balls his fist and punches me. fuck, he's crazy, he's hitting me in the face. it's going to bruise, i won't be able to hide it. he pushes me again, this one causes me to fall. he unfolds the belt and hits my back. "do you want to see what fucking happens when you disrespect me in my home!?"

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now