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tomura's pov:

"i have deiced to forgive you but only because that make out scene is adorable and it's impossible to be mad at you when you're happy."

okay, i may or may not have forgotten to text tamaki and let him know i was still alive. but it's not my fault, seeing kai threw me off guard. he was being a damn creep, though i did not include that while retelling the 'magical night'. "i appreciate that and again, i'm really sorry," i answer. "are you ready for keigo's game?"

i had decided to go to the game to the party afterwards. it may or may not be me trying to go the extra mile to make it up to tamaki. it also may or may not be an excuse to spend more time with dabi. i will not confirm nor deny shit. 

"i guess," i mumble. "i've never been to a baseball game before. do you know how it works?" he asks. "hell no." we'd technically only be there to be there. "shit, i have no idea where we even go," i admit looking around the empty hallway. 

"can i help you with something?" 

we both turn around to see....wait i know her. fuck, what is her name. "yes, you know where the baseball field is." the dark skinned woman grins. "i am assuming tamaki and...tomura."

i'm already ready to die. 

"i'm rumi, i can show you where that is." we mindlessly follow her, not questioning how she knows who we are. i've seen her with dabi before so hopefully she'll take us to him and not to a shady ally way where she'll take us out execution style. worse things could happen.

shit, maybe aizawa was right.

i do need a therapist.

at some point tamaki and rumi start a conversation but i keep my head down and separate myself from them. i wonder if it's rude to put my headphones in. 

i blink out of whatever trance i was stuck in when i feel tamaki pinch my arm. "don't shut down," he mouths. only then do i realize that we're in the stadium and it's loud as fuck and i want to be anywhere else. 

"i'm not," i shout over the noise. he shoots me a glare. "dabi! i found your boyfriend!" rumi yells. honestly, the ally way would have been a better outcome. "holy shit, you really came." i fidget with my ring. it's been awhile since i've worn them. i usually just scratch because tamaki's yelling no longer effects me. but for some reason i don't want him to see that. i don't want to know what he would do and react so i'm sticking with the rings. 

"you asked me to," i remind him. "tamaki!" nejire runs past him. "i was worried you weren't going to make it!" she's practically jumping. "himiko found us the best seats come on, come on, come on, come on!!" she drags him away and rumi follows them. 

"have you eaten today?" starting off strong i guess. "i had a few cups of coffee." he laughs. "i have no idea how the fuck you're still alive." i shrug. "you'd be surprised at how often i hear that." he grabs my sleeve and pulls me towards the snack bar. "let's get you some food." i pull away realizing i don't have my wallet.

"as pleasant as that sounds, i don't have any money on me." 

"it's fine, i'll pay for you." he paid for our date and even though he technically asked me out, i feel guilty about it. "it's fine. i'm not hungry anyway." that wasn't entirely true. i haven't eaten in two days but it's not like i'm starving. 

"can we be real for a sec?" the seriousness in his tone makes me nervous. i just nod in response. "you move way too damn much for the amount that you eat.  if you're skating everyday, you're burning hella calories and you need to replace it. you're gonna faint at some point." i know he's right. i've thought about it before but it's not something i dwell on. "it's not intentional.'s not that i don't want to eat i just can't. i don't have the money to eat everyday. the money i make mainly goes to paying for bills and shit so sometimes i just have to settle on coffee and whatever i can get my hands on."

i don't know why i just explained that to him. he didn't ask for any of that. all i had to do was say i don't get hungry often like i do every other time so....why was i honest. 

"yeah, well, my dad is a rich asshole and i just happen to have his card so, money isn't going to be much of an excuse tonight, is it?" he says it with this stupid grin that makes me want to kiss him again. shit, what is wrong with me? 

"something in particular you want beautiful?" i roll my eyes, but entertain him. "whatever you can buy handsome."

we ended up get more than we should have. though a lot of the food i had never heard of so dabi bought almost all of it. he was right, churros are good. we brought me to a ledge with a perfect view and hardly any people. we sit on the floor watching through the railing. 

i still don't understand baseball but by the way everyone is reacting, i think keigo is doing good. "holy shit," dabi breathes at some point in half time. "what? what's wrong?" i question, lowering my slushie. "look, look." he points out and i follow his finger to a few men standing at the edge of the field. "what are we looking at?" i mutter. "those are scouts. they can help players get scholarships. like, fucking full ride scholarships." he turns back to the field in amazement. "fuck, what i would do to get a scout to even look in my direction." 

"i thought you were rich, what good would a scholarship do you?" i question. "well one, i don't want that bastard's money. getting shit like food is one thing, i don't need it, but college is something i care about and i want to get that shit on my own. two, it's not really about the money, just the fact that i was good enough for one them to consider coming to a game to see me. that means something." 

there's something in his voice that makes me want to listen to him talk forever. about everything and nothing. "what about you? what do you want to do for college?" i shrug. "i don't know and...i don't really care. as long as i can get away from here," i answer, using my straw to crush the ice. "is there something you want to study? or a career you're interested in?" he presses. 

"i...i like art." 

i hate myself the second the words come out. "wait really? like what? painting, music, dancing-" i can't help but laugh. "um, no, not...not dancing. i um, i like to draw." he faces me entirely. "are you serious?" i wave him off. "it's not a big deal and i don't do it anymore. and it's not something i can go to school for because i'm not that good. i probably wouldn't make any money from it. it's just...something i enjoy." he nods slowly. "okay butttt if you had the opportunity you would go to school for art?" i cannot physically restrain myself from smiling. "yes. i would." 

"i want to see." i instantly shake my head. "no way." he pouts like a toddler. "what? why notttt?" he leans forward. "i bet you're really good." i pull my knees to my chest. "i'm not. and i haven't done it in years. i stopped a while ago." 

because when he found my sketch book he set it on fire. he told me i would never get away from him so it was no use trying to make a future for myself. so i stopped. all that matter was getting enough money to leave. if i could get an academic scholarship i could leave. nothing else matters.

"damn." he's staring into my eyes intensely. i force myself to stare back. "w-what?" he reaches for my face but instantly pulls away. "you are so fucking pretty. how has no one else claimed you yet?" i'm starting to question if he had a drink or two before coming here. he's so, so close. and i'm not scared. i want him. 

i want him.

i push my lips onto his and he wastes no time returning the action. he pulls away for only a second and only by an inch. "is this okay?" i nod. "yes. yes." i cup his neck pulling him to me. his fingers lock with my hair, pushing towards me to him. we're so, so close and yet it feels like we're so damn far apart. 

his tongue slips into my mouth, exploring every inch of it. i let out a moan into his mouth.

suddenly there's loud clapping followed with cheers and shouting. then i remember we're in public. and they're not cheering at the game...their cheering at us. "oh shit." i bury my face into his collar bone. he laughs, keeping his hand in my hair and pushing me into his chest. i can't even be mad or feel embarrassed. i i feel safe.

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now