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tomura's pov:

the second we get there i want to go home. no, not home. just not here. there are so many people and it's so loud. i should have killed myself. i walk through the crowd of people until i see an isolated wall. i walk over to it and place my back against the wall. tamaki stands next to me. "i don't see her," he mutters. "it's fine. it's a big ass house." i feel obligated to help him look for her but i've planted my feet where i'm at. 

i'm not fucking moving.

"maybe she stood me up." he crosses his arms across his sage green hoodie. "no, she did not. you just have to wait." i know my words aren't getting to him. he leans over and places his head on my shoulder. "i'm sorry i dragged you here. i know you didn't want to come." i welcome all of his weight onto my body. "it's fine. i'm glad you want to come." i rub his arms softly. "progress." he laughs. "besides...i did owe you." i know he wants to leave. i know he's trying to convince himself that she's not here as an excuse to go home. 


oh, there she is. we both sit up and she practically skips over to us. "Ack! You came!" she hugs him and his arms soft of hover over her back. i have to stop myself from laughing. "me and my friends were going to go to the pool, do you wanna come?" i can see in his eyes that he does. but he turns to me as if asking for approval. "go ahead." i don't mean it but the words kind of slip out. "are you sure? i don't want to leave you alone." i don't want him to leave me alone either, but if he doesn't go now, he's not going to. "i'll be fine. i'm probably going to go to the rink or something." i hope i sound more confident than i feel. "you kids have fun. and use protection." tamaki goes red but nejire just giggles. she grabs his hand and leads him away from me. 

i look down at my dirty converse. i really need to clean my damn shoes. i can feel the heat of the bodies around me. i need something to drink. i'm about to go into the kitchen but dabi todoroki is in there. he's staring at me like he wants to kill me. i look back down to avoid eye contact. i need him to go away. i just need a drink, then i'll leave.

i look back up and he's gone. i push myself off the wall and walk to the kitchen. i open the cooler and grab a water bottle. then i notice a monster. i grab that instead. i open it and drink almost half of it. i don't know how far away orinjis is from here so it's not the best to walk. maybe i can get a lift. i'll need to borrow someone's phone. 

"hello beautiful." i groan. "what the fuck do you want?" i growl. "so aggressive." the smirk on kai's face makes me want to punch the shit out of him. "i can't say hello to a friend?" he leans against the counter. "we are not friends." i go for another drink but he takes it from me. "don't you know that shit's bad for you?" i glare at him. "is this really coming from a drug dealer?" i reach for it but he raises it over his head. curse my height. "come give it back, i'm fucking starving." the words come out before i can stop them. he lowers his arm. "so you're drinking an energy drink?" i snatch the can away from him. "what the fuck do you suggest?" i don't know what it is about him that just pisses me off. "you used to be fun." him places his hand on my ass and gropes me. "when you'd get that stick up your ass?" i slap his hand away. "don't fucking touch me!" i need to get out of here. 

"still skating?" i roll my eyes. "why the fuck do you care what i'm doing?" he jumps onto top of the counter. "just trying to catch up." i look away from him and take another drink. "why are you here? you hate 'large gatherings'." he's right about that. and i don't know why i'm still here. "you look like you need a break from the crowd." i don't have to look at him, i can hear his smirk. i hate it when he's right. i do need to a brake. i want to go to the rink but my legs are still sore from thursday. i set the can on the counter and walk towards the stair case. i turn back to see him in the same spot. "are you fucking coming?"

and now i'm in a bathtub with kai chisaki. the music and shouting seems to be muted in the upstairs bathroom. he pulls a flask out of his jacket. my shins are touching his. i hate the fact that i'm so close to him but i do enjoy the silence. he throws his head back, taking a drink. then he offers it to me. i know i shouldn't have alcohol after i've had an energy drink but i couldn't care less about myself right now. i take it from him. "this isn't a come on, just so you know." i say before taking a drink. "thank you for the clarification." i don't know what he put it in it, but it's strong as hell. doesn't matter though, i know how to drink.  

"you seem stressed." i shrug. "a little i guess." he traces his finger around my knee. "i might know how to fix that." i pull my leg away from him. "i'm not interested." i don't have the energy to yell at him anymore. "you used to be." i glare at him. "that was then, this is now." he drops it. "so what is it? that's making you stressed?" i stay silent. "is it your dad?" i don't answer, but i don't have to. he rubs my knee, this time in a more comforting way. "do you want me to call you a lift?" i take another drink. "i don't want to go home." i'm not even thinking anymore. i'm just talking; which i never do. 

"you can come to my place. i'm ready to get the hell outta here too." i want to decline. i know i should decline. but i'd rather be anywhere but home. "okay," i mumble. he stands up and steps out the tub before helping me out. i accidentally step on his foot. "shit, i'm sorry." he pulls me towards him. "you never have to apologize to me." i'm feeling lightheaded. "this isn't a thing," i declare. "of course not." 

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now