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Dabi's POV

I wasn't expecting things to go that way. I didn't have time to get in the shower this morning so I took one in the locker rooms during break. I saw him sitting in the bleachers on the way to the locker rooms, which was weird because I've never seen him at school before, and he doesn't seem like the type to hang out in a gym. He was so closed off and...intriguing. After enough conversation I was able to convince him to give me his number. I texted him so he'd have my number. Now all I have to do is wait.

Once I separate myself from my thoughts I notice Rumi's stretching is sloppy. "What the hell is going with you?" She sighs. I've never seen her depressed while working out. "Fuck, I don't know," she mutters. "It's nothing." I set the fifty pound weights next to my feet. "Bullshit." I sit on the bench. "What is it?" She sighs again. "I think I'm over it." I give her a confused look. "Sorry, little slow. Over what?" She leans to the right side reaching for her foot. I hear her back crack and it makes me whine. "The whole basketball thing. It's getting boring." Rumi has been playing basketball since she was seven so hearing her saying she wants to quit is very surprising. I'm about to question her but I feel a vibration in my pocket. 


I quickly pull out my phone. Fuck, it's just Jin. "Yo, Jin said he's stopping by the gas station before picking us up. Want anything?" I ask. "A pack of blacks. Longs." I nod typing her response. We usually use Jin to get us stuff like alcohol and cigarettes cause he looks like he's thirty.  They don't even ask for his ID. I'm about to turn off my phone before it vibrates. 

I have a question.

Tomura. He actually texted me. I am getting away too excited about this.

I may or may not have an answer

I impatiently wait for his response. "Dab-" I hold up my hand. "Shh," I say as if, if I hear what she has to say I'll miss his message. I can feel her glare piercing into my skin.

Why are you talking to me? 
And don't give me that 'I find you interesting' bullshit.

Shit, I have no idea to respond. "Who the fuck are you talking to?"I turn to her and show her my phone. "How do I respond?" She quits at the screen. "Who the hell is Tomura?" I roll my eyes. "Focus," I snap. "Uhh," she groans. "How could I not want to talk to you?" I sit back up. "I already used that." Damn it. "I don't know dude, just tell them...shit I don't know. Say something about his eyes, I do it to Yumi all the time and she fucking melts." His eyes. They are pretty. I stare at my screen waiting for the words to string together.

Then they do.

These red blood eyes were damn near hypnotizing.

My thumb hovers over the send button. I click without giving it another thought. Rumi leans over my should and starts laughing. "That is so fucking cheesy." I don't get the chance to respond to her because he responds to me. 

Who the fuck are you? 

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now