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Dabi's POV:

I undo my weight lifting gloves and drop them to the ground. I sit on the bench and try to catch my breath. "Damn, dude." I laugh, letting out shaky and uneven breaths. "You're gonna kill yourself in here," Keigo says, standing over me. "Please, I live in here." He rolls his eyes. "Rumi's waiting in the car." I grab my gloves. "I'ma take a shower real quick and I'll be out there." He nods and exits the gym. I pick up my gloves and go into the locker rooms. I grab my gym bag and go into the shower. It takes about three minutes to take a shower and put on my uniform. I know how much she hates waiting and it's to damn early to hear her yell.

As soon as I step outside, Rumi pulls up in her BMW. She rolls the passenger window down. "Get in bitch, we're late for school." I get in the passenger seat and she drives off before I even close the door. "Bro, I have a fucking history test today," Keigo says from the back seat. He leans his head back, lowering a fruit roll up into his mouth. Rumi rolls her eyes. "How can you eat that bullshit after a workout?" She growls. "I haven't been to the store yet. Not all of us can afford to eat six apples a day." Though he can afford it, he just chooses to eat candy instead. "Whatever, it's your health declining." She pulls into her normal parking spot. "Get you and your unnecessary calories out of my damn car." She unlocks the doors. "Wait, do you have practice today? I wanna see a movie." She opens her door. "Yeah, but it's like game prep or some shit, so it won't take long." Keigo leans forward. "What movie are we seeing?" She glares at him. "Who the hell said you were invited?" I lean back. "Dude, pass me my backpack." He struggles to pick it up. "What the hell is in here? Weights?" I grab it from him effortlessly. "Ten pounds. Keeps me active through out the day." Rumi laughs. "I do twenty." Then she slams the car door. Keigo turns to me. "Okay, we need to find her a damn hobby." I very much agree. "Come on, we're gonna be late." 

We walk across the parking lot and towards the school. I'm considering skipping. I don't know where I'd go though. I'm too tired to go back to the gym. Keigo follows me to my locker. Before I unlock it I hear, "Guess what, guess what, guess what!" Keigo entertains her while I do the lock. "What's up Miko?" She pats her skirt down. "Jin is having a party." That catches my attention. "Jin? Where? When?" I could use a break for reality. "At his house. Saturday night. Ten, I think he said." I pull out my physics text book and close my locker. "A bunch of us are heading over together. You in Todoroki?" 

"Fuck yeah I'm in."

an usual cliché ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now