64. Mine chubs forever ♾️

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A month passed by and Tae reached in the second month of pregnancy. As soon as they returned from Disneyland; they shared this good news with Jiminee and Hobi but in return they got another good news that Jiminee is also pregnant.

It was a joyous moment for both the couple but Jiminee was scolded by Jk really bad as she didn't shared this news with them as soon as she got to know about it.

So now both; Tae and Jiminee are in their second month. Their due date is in the same month but different dates. Both the couple are eagerly waiting for the little feets to enter their life as soon as possible.

These days Jk doesn't focuses on singing much cuz he is too much busy in handling the company, looking after Tae and Hyunnie and he also makes sure that Jiminee is fine. He sometimes visits her house as well to ask her whereabouts.

So now daddy Jeon is completely hooked with his life.

The Jeon Enterprises is also doing quite good and scaling up with a good pace. They keep on adding various types of clothes to their collections and the newest type of clothing they are coming up with is wedding wear.

The clothes are ready to be sold out to the customers. They are preparing for it's advertisement and our Taekook gonna be the main face of their own company duh!

Right now Tae is in her bedroom getting pampered by her husband and baby. Jk is massaging her head while Hyunnie is feeding her fruits.

Tae- Hmm! What a life. I wish you two keep on pampering me like this for life.

Jk- Sorry; not gonna happen Mrs Jeon. This treatment is only till you have our cutie pie inside you.

Tae- I can understand everything Mr Jeon. This treatment is especially for your baby and not for me. I can understand you very well. You love your baby more than me.

Jk chuckled at her words only to receive an angry glare from Tae.

Hyunnie cupped Tae's cheeks making her look at him.

Hyunnie- But I can pamper you all the time mama.

Tae- Awww; my baby. Only you love me; my sweeta. (said by hugging Hyunnie)

Jk- Than ask your sweeta only to handle your mood swings, eat all those weird food combinations (said while making a puking face), accompany you to doctor every month, cook food for you at late night, make-

Tae- Cool down, cool down. My baby is too small. He can't do these many things now but I am sure when he will grow up and get married then he will also do these things for his wife just like his dada; haina baby? (asked while ruffling Hyunnie's hairs)

Hyunnie- Yesh mama.

Jk- Offcourse he will afterall he is your upbringing. He knows how to value people. (said by back hugging her)

Tae- Wrong; he is our upbringing. You have equally contributed in his upbringing as me and no doubt he is exactly like you. By face, behaviour, sincerity, maturity, genuineness and offcourse naughtiness.

Jk laughed and placed his hand on Tae's belly.

Jk- I wish you aren't my twin again. This time I want little Tae and not little Jungkook. (said while caressing her belly)

Tae- Whyyyy! (asked in whining tone) I want little Koo fairy. A girl who looks exactly like you.

Jk- Then you can make Hyunnie wear a frock. Your Koo fairy will be ready. (said while laughing)

Tae- Shut up! My Hyunnie baby is a Prince. He won't wear girl's dresses. I want this little one to be my Koo fairy.

Jk- Let's see who you are gonna get? A Koo fairy or Tae fairy.

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