65. Precious gift 💗

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Tae and Jiminee reached in their ninth month of pregnancy and have their husbands wrapped at the tip of their finger.

Jiminee is staying at Jeon Mansion only as Jk asked Hobi to let her stay till the pregnancy cuz she would be usually alone when he leave for work and since Jiminee can't live without her husband Hobi also shifted to Jeon Mansion temporary.

Both the pregnant woman have been throwing continuous tantrums at their husband cuz of which the poor males are suffering but are they complaining? Offcourse not.

At around 3 am

Jk was kicked out of the room as Tae; opps not Tae but the baby in her tummy was feeling hungry. So Tae asked Jk to prepare maggie noodles and add pickle in it and since the perfect husband he is; he had to get up from his deep slumber and fulfill his wife's (sorry baby's) wish.

Jk walked towards the kitchen but noticed that the kitchen's light was already on. He saw that Hobi was present there while cutting the strawberries.

Jk- Now what that midget ordered you? (said while patting his back)

Hobi- Strawberry milkshake with tomato sauce in it.

Jk shook his head at Jm's demand. Well it's not something new for them. Usually both would find each other at midnight cooking very unique, out of the world dish for their pregnant wife.

Both prepared the dishes which their wife ordered and served it properly. Jk took a sip of the milkshake and immediately went to puke in the basin.

Jk- Wtf is this? Is your cooking worst or is this combination worst?

Hobi- Is it that bad?

Jk- Try it bro.

Hobi too took a sip and couldn't gulp it down. He too throw out in the sink.

Hobi- God! This is horrible. I hope Jim won't ask me to drink this.

Jk- I really wish she make you drink this whole glass. Then there will be real fun.

Hobi- And I really wish Taehyungshi make you eat this pickled maggie.

Jk- It's not new for me. I have tried more worst food combination than this. I can easily eat this pickled Maggie.

Saying this Jk took a bite of pickled Maggie and ate it while making a disgusting face.

Hobi- Everything's fine but their pregnancy food cravings are really weird. Like who eats Nutella with mayo? I was glad that she didn't asked me to taste it.

Jk- It's better than Banana with ketchup. That's the worst food combination ever and since my wife is so great; she couldn't eat anything alone without sharing with me.

Hobi- Don't worry. This might end soon.

Jk- Yeah but we will miss their tantrums as well.

Hobi- You won't cuz we will be handling another little being's tantrums then.

Jk- Right. Just can't wait to welcome two cutie pie's soon. Anyways let's go and give this new invented dishes to them otherwise both the woman might come down walking like penguins. (said while laughing)

Hobi too laughed at Jk's words and shared a high five.

Both left for their respective rooms towards their wife.

Jk entered the room and kept the Maggie bowl on the table. He helped Tae to sit on the bed comfortably and placed a pillow behind her back.

He sat infront of her and forwarded a spoonful of Maggie.

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