30 - Thirty - Viktor Russo's Point Of View.

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To say I was apprehensive about Nikita and Yuri taking out the 'gifts' he bought himself was correct. The two shiny brand new sport bikes in the driveway, plated and legal, irritated me. In no way was it safe for either of them, at least in a car he would have a little more safety.

"Viktor, they aren't that bad. Both Yuri and I have our permits and licenses for them. And all the proper functioning gear, you don't have to look so upset about it. Be a good boy and I'll let you be my backpack on a ride." Nikita said, his excited smile wearing me down.

"No, thank you. But be safe and for the love of god, please pay attention to the roads."

"Yes, yes. I hear you." Nikita said, pulling his helmet on. Yuri was already climbing onto one bike, and Kita climbed onto the other. I watched them start the sport bikes and speed off down the driveway.

"Don Russo... the meeting with Sebastian. If you wait any longer to leave, you will be late."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance and turned to Delaney. "Fine, let's go before I'm late."

"The later you are, the drunker he gets." Delaney said, and I knew this. Sebastian was loose with his alcohol, it was part of the equation why the man had an attitude problem. He was an angry drunk.

Getting into the back of the SUV, Delaney got in the front and I flicked through my phone as he drove. Sebastian and I made plans to have our meeting over lunch at an upscale place not too far from the Russo mansion. Normally, before Nikita, I would have invited the man to our house for lunch, but I didn't want him around my husband.

Biting back the urge to sigh, I kept my distaste about this meeting under wraps. I would have rather been able to monitor Nikita while he was out, but I couldn't. I just hoped that Hunter, one of the three stationed on Nikita before, stayed out of his sight. I didn't want to have to explain to him I was uncomfortable with him playing around on the death trap that was the sports bikes.

Arriving at the restaurant, I sent Nikita a text and asked him to message me back the moment he saw the message and was safe to do so. Sebastian was already seated, and looked at his watch when I sat down.

"You're late."

"Yes. I had something else that took my time."

"Must have been important." Sebastian said, sipping on a glass of water. That was not his usual drink, and definitely had me wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Nikita and his friend bought some sports bikes, and I was seeing them off before I left." I said, sipping my water as soon as the waiter brought it to the table.

"How pleasant it must be to have your sweet Nikita." Sebastian said, glancing down at his phone.

"Something I'm keeping you from?" I asked, and he looked up, humming.

"I've recently gained a weekend pet."

"You? A pet. I can't see any pet liking you willingly." I chuckled, and Sebastian smirked.

"No, certainly not willingly," he agreed, and we both called for the waiter to start our order. We both ordered steaks with sides. Mine was medium rare, while Sebastian went with a medium well. Once the waiter left, Sebastian took another drink and set his cup down. "If things go favourable with my new pet, I might keep him. He would make a pleasant addition to my home."

"At the very least, you will have company." I teased.

"I have to be gentle, so I don't spook him too soon." Sebastian stated.

"What kind of animal is your weekend pet?"

"Animal, hardly. My weekend pet is one hundred percent a male human." Sebastian chuckled dryly, and I felt a touch uncomfortable with knowing this information. Mostly because I regretted my own choices for treating Nikita like a caged pet. Holding him against his will and marking him as mine was easily the lowest thing I did to him. It drove him away.

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