11 - Eleven - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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I woke up to Viktor shaking me. I grunted at him, and he stopped.

"Sorry, you were thrashing around in your sleep and I was worried you might hurt yourself," he said softly and relaxed back into the bed beside me.

"Sorry, I'll move to the other—-"

"No. Stay here, where I can wake you if you have another nightmare," he said, cutting me off and wrapping his arms around me so I couldn't leave the bed.

"Fine. But it's your sleep that will suffer." I muttered before closing my eyes again and relaxing. Viktor was warm, pressed against me, and it was easy to fall asleep again. But all good things must come to an end, and I woke up to him shaking me again.

"You don't have to leave, so don't bother. I only woke you this time because you were panting and you looked to be distressed."

I groaned, and focused on staying awake, until he went back to sleep. I felt terrible that I kept waking him up when he was sleeping. He was the one with the job and family to run. He couldn't give up restful sleeping for me. It just wasn't fair to him to have to. Rolling over, I watched him while he slept. I felt guilty for keeping him awake and for making his life more difficult. I wished I had the complete courage to tell him the truth about how I was feeling, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Slipping out of the bed, I turned and looked at Viktor again, making sure he was still asleep before leaving the bedroom. It felt strange to wander these halls now, in the dark. I crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. I knew that if I wanted a bit of sleep tonight that there had to be some kind of alcohol in the kitchen to help with that.

Digging through the cupboards, I finally found the alcohol stash and was looking at them all. I pulled out a few bottles and set them on the counter, not really sure what one was going to be the best for this. It had been a fairly long time since I had last done something like this.

"Pick this one. It helps me sleep when I can't," Viktor said, and pointed to a bottle before pulling it closer. I nodded and grabbed the bottle.

"Thanks, Viktor——-" I stopped and spun around, bottle in my hand, and Viktor was still in the clothing he wore to bed. What the hell was he doing awake?

He moved away from me, grabbing a glass and setting it down on the counter. "Want to tell me why you're not in bed?"

"No?" I said questionably, and inched closer to the counter, where the glass sat. I opened the bottle and paused. "I couldn't sleep. Not without waking you up repeatedly, and that's not fair to you." Pouring myself half a glass, I screwed the lid back on and Viktor took it back to the cupboard and put it away.

"This is the only time I'll allow you to treat your problem this way, Nikita. I have to schedule a meeting with Alessio shortly, and you're coming. We are going to deal with this before it gets any worse."

"Did I ask for your help?" I snapped, feeling attacked.

"You don't have to ask for my help, and I don't care if you want it or not. Be glad I'm not taking you all over the countryside looking for a doctor or a handful of doctors to help you."

"I'm fine." I muttered, before tossing back the drink and screwing my face up as it burned the entire way down. Viktor took the glass and put it in the sink.

"Come on, we are going back to bed."

"Viktor I'll just——-"

"Nikita. I'm not giving you an option here. Please don't make me have to use force to take you back to our room."

Letting out a deep sigh, I started off towards the bedroom, Viktor on my ass the entire way. He closed the door behind us and waited for me to get into the bed, before he did. He turned off the light with his phone and I felt him staring at me in the dark.

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