14 - Fourteen - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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I slept almost the entire ride to Lev and Alessios. I woke up just before Viktor stopped at a coffee chain drive through. He ordered for us both.

Holding my warm white hot chocolate, I sniffed the sweet smelling steam that came out of it. It was delightful.

"Thank you for this."

"You're welcome," he said, talking a long drink out of his coffee. "We're almost there. I would have grabbed us something to eat too, but Lev's darling husband threatened me with violence if we didn't have dinner with them."

"Oh. Well then, I guess that is the plan." I chuckled.

"I cleared my day tomorrow too, on the odd chance they ask us to stay the night." Viktor said, turning onto the gravel road. Stretching out, I was actually a little excited to see Lev and Alessio, Ilya, too. I texted Alessio and let him know we were about five minutes away. He texted back and told me they would meet us outside.

"Alessio and Lev are going to meet us outside."

"Alright." Viktor nodded and drove a little slower down the road. He stopped at the gate, and the guards waved us through. He drove all the way to the back of the back and found a parking spot. Parking, he turned the car off, and pulled a gun off his hip, and tucked it under the seat.

"Do you take that with you everywhere?" I questioned him.

"Of course. I'm a popular guy for some not acceptable reasons," he said, taking his seatbelt off and getting out. He walked around the car and opened my door. I took off my seatbelt and got out. He closed my door and walked beside me to the doors.

Alessio came outside first, and he smiled at me. "Perfect timing. Nikita, you come with me for a bit. Lev is just inside the door waiting for you, Viktor. I'm just going to the Clinic with Nikita to remove his cast. We won't be long."

"Take your time, Alessio. Lev and I can amuse ourselves for the time it takes." Viktor said and turned and went inside. Alessio and I walked over to the medical building, and I sighed once I got inside, realising I forgot what was left of my hot chocolate.

"What's up?" Alessio asked, looking at me with concern on his face.

"Oh, nothing that serious. I just forgot the rest of my drink in the car." I hummed, following behind him into another room.

"Right. I can't tell you the amount of times I do that. I swear that is the number one way I lose my drinks." Alessio laughed and set up a cast saw.

"You're sure it's properly healed now?" I teased him.

"Pretty confident that it's properly mended, unless, of course, you want to keep it," he said and looked at me with a smile on his face. "How are things going with Viktor and you, Nikita?"

"It's going. We are getting along mostly. He's a busy man, and I don't want to bother him. Ilya's father is going to throw us a party, or rather me, a party."

"Hmmm, I am aware. Ilya and I both got emailed invites to the event." Alessio said and moved my arm onto the table. He worked at removing the cast, and about ten minutes later, he freed me. "Sorry, I went way slower than normal. Lev asked me to take a little longer. He said there were some things he wanted to talk to Viktor about."

"Alessio, is this about the message that Lev sent to me?"

Alessio removed the cast and cleaned up the area. "Yeah."

"What did he want to speak to Viktor about?"

Alessio let out a deep sigh and sat down. "I'll get you some stuff to wash and soak your arm in a moment. Lev was going to tell you about Viktor, but he figured since he was coming too, he would just ask him directly."

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