09 - Nine - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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When I woke up, I felt well rested. Viktor was still asleep too, my head on his chest. His arm was around my waist, and we were both nice and warm, tucked against each other. I could feel his fingers on my hip, where my shirt had ridden up a little. I was hoping when he woke up that he would say I hadn't woken him up all night long. I slipped out of his arms and out of the bed, getting dressed before grabbing my phone and letting Viktor sleep longer. Walking down the hall, I checked the time on my phone and gave my head a shake. How the hell was it ten am, and we were both still sleeping. I never had time to sleep that long. 

Checking my messages, Yuri had sent me a text telling me he sent me an email. I knew what email he meant too, the one he set up for an information pathway. I knew waking up Viktor was the smart thing to do, so why wasn't I going back to do that?

I could handle this easily, and I was itching for something to take my frustrations out on. Maybe that was why, while I checked the email for all the information, I made sure there was no one around to see me. Viktor was going to be livid when he woke up, but that was to be expected. He wanted Klara to deal with the casino shit. Oh well, I guess I could include Klara. 

Heading down the stairs, I heard Ilya laughing, and it brought a soft smile to my face. His laughter was coming from the kitchen, setting my hand on the door. I was ready to turn the handle and head inside, but Klara stopped me. She held her hand up to her mouth and then gave me a hand sign to follow her. Quietly, I did just that. 

In the lounge a fair distance away, she sat down and let out a sigh. "Sorry, I didn't want you to ruin their fun. They've been making breakfast together in there for a bit and they sounded joyous."

"It's fine. I was looking for you, anyway." I muttered. 

"For me? The great Nikita was looking for me." she chuckled, and leaned closer. "Do tell me why you're looking for little ole me."

"I have the information on your casino crook, but I want in."

"Nikita. Viktor would have my fucking head on display for that." She hissed. 

"Guess you're going to sit this one out. I just figured you might want to come along too." I said, standing up. 

"What the hell do you mean I'm going to sit this one out? You're the one with the broken arm!"

"Ah, that's nothing. I've had worse, believe me." I laughed and started walking away. 

"Wait! Nikita. Let me get my men, and I'll fucking join you. But I'm putting all the blame on you if I get into shit." Klara said and crossed her arms. 

"Alright, I'm ok with that. Just don't take too long to get ready. You have thirty minutes, and don't you dare wake Viktor up."

"Of course you would pull this shit while he is sleeping." Klara muttered, standing up and leaving the room. I waited a few moments and left the room, too. I went back to Viktor's hall, and to the room he gave me. I opened my suitcase and pulled out my BPV, black combat pants, and sweater. I had arm guards, but right now it would be pretty useless to use them. Slipping my foot into my last boot, I looked up and Viktor was standing in the doorway, sweatpants hanging dangerously on his hips. 

"Do I even want to know what the fuck you're doing?"

"Most likely not." I said, pulling on the laces of my boots. "I'm just problem solving. I invited Klara to help." 

He sighed and walked into the bedroom, sitting on the other side of the bed. "If this is something you plan to do every time, I want you to tell me."

"Viktor, this is what I do for a living, you know this." I chuckled. "But I don't mind informing you."

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