25 - Twenty - Five - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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"Stop being so damn wiggly, Nikita."

"I can't! I hate this. Every minute." I hissed, trying to pull the four point seat belt off me so I could escape the roller coaster.

"Nikita, relax, it's just a small roller coaster. It's not that bad," Viktor said gently and slipped his hand into mine. "I've got you."

"No. I want off." The rollercoaster started to move forward, and I squeezed his hand tightly. I don't know why roller coasters make me uncomfortable, but they do.

I closed my eyes. I felt pretty pathetic at this moment. A trained killer, scared of roller coasters. When the ride came to a stop, Viktor helped me unbuckle and got out after me. I got as far away from that death trap as possible and narrowed my eyes at Viktor. "That will be the only time I let you talk me into something like that. So you better have enjoyed it."

"Is this something with all rides? Or just rollercoasters? I need to know," he asked.

"Only roller coasters. I'm not scared of other rides. I've always hated them." I hissed.

"Good to know," he hummed, and we strolled farther away from the ride and back down a wide expanse of shops. "Anything you want while we are here?"

Looking around, I sighed. "If I say no, you will still drag me to every store in here with something you think will look good on me."

"Correct. So before then, is there anything you want?"

"I need a robe, or housecoat—--"

"Hmm. I know exactly where to get that," Viktor said, cutting me off as he pulled me behind him down the endless large hallway to a store. Hidden in the far back of the hallway, it looked unsuspecting, until you stepped inside and got a look at the products.

Viktor pulled me inside and to the far back of the store. Scrunching up my face, I was annoyed just looking at where he had taken me. Unisex lingerie was on display everywhere I looked. Biting back the urge inside me to rip into Viktor right here in the store, he pointed up to the wall. Nice and neatly hung up was a wide range of robes in every length and size.

"They carry a ton of different types and they are worth the cost. They aren't mass produced. My robe is from here, and I've had it easily a few years," he said.

"This store is... odd." I said, and he laughed.

"It has an odd little vibe, but the craftsmanship is there." Viktor grabbed a black robe off the wall and held it up to me. He hummed and found a larger size, and hung it on one of his fingers. "Find something you like Nikita, before I find all the things I would like to see on you."

Looking at the wall, I touched and looked at a few different robes, and settled on a navy blue satin robe that would be about mid thigh length. Viktor was hunting through the store, grabbing things from every section. I saw him grab some lace boxers and clicked my tongue in disgust. He was not going to even have time to put those on me, I would make sure of that. The idea of me in lace was pretty off-putting.

I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. "Viktor, let's get out of here. I'm not wearing those." He looked at me with a smirk on his face, and we walked up to the cash register. He set the lace boxers and my robe with a pile he seemed to have collected and paid for it all. She quickly bagged it all up and handed it to him after he tapped his credit card.

"What the hell did you buy? You needed a bag that big? And I can promise you, those lace boxers will come nowhere near me or my dick, Viktor Russo."

"Where's your sense of adventure, Nikita?" he teased me, as he pulled me into yet another store. Viktor left me at the front of the store, sniffing body spray samples. One tester was very close to the one he wore, and I had a feeling this was where he got it. Sniffing another tester, I liked the deep woody smell of this one and I wanted to smell it on Viktor. Taking a sample card for the scent, I hunted through the store until I found the bottle, and Viktor nearly right beside each other.

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