Raw And Filthy Fucking

Start from the beginning

"Shut up," I hiss to Jackson, kicking off my heels and deserting them on the ground so that I could swiftly seek hiding within the grove of pines.

I wish to be alone to sulk at my plan gone awry but like a pesky gnat, Jackson follows me into the trees. "What are you doing?" He asks, pressing one palm flat against the bark.

He tugs on the ends of my crooked chestnut strands. "I feel as though I'm asking that question a lot lately," he continues. "Nothing pertaining to you should surprise me at this point but..." He pauses to shrug. "Alas, here we are."

"You're such an asshole!" I shout, giving him a shove. Shock washes over his features and I am aware that I have just proved him right.

"You're a genuine...gorilla..." I stammer. "I can't believe you told Brandon that he shouldn't want anything to do with me. What's that supposed to mean, huh? That I'm too barbaric for your cultured sophistication?"

I spit out the last words with a sneer. 

He leans against the trunk, the branches and needles of the pines skimming his forehead. "It means that I asked you to leave my friends alone and you wouldn't listen, so I took matters into my own hands."

I snort. "God, you are such a pretentious snob. Am I not good enough for you or your superior friends, Jackson?"

He gives me a once over before gesturing at my ensemble. "Is that what this makeover is all about? Did my words really bother you that much?"

Turning away, I scoff and cross my arms. "Surprise, surprise," I mutter. "The girl actually has feelings and isn't as tough as she appears."

"What do you want from me, Jackson?" I whisper, taking in a shuddering breath before whirling back around to face him. "Is it just sex that you're after? Is Kelsi too vanilla for you? Is your sweet, gentle lovemaking not doing it for you anymore and you're seeking a bout of raw and filthy fucking?"

He swallows, his green irises darkening to a deep emerald as he rakes his sights over me. "I...I don't know what I want," he stutters.

Dragging his hands down his face, he exhales loudly. "Fuck, Sterling. Everything is so confusing right now and I have no idea what my future holds. I don't even know what my family situation is going to be come fall."

He begins pacing back and forth, gesturing wildly with his arms. "And then there's the matter of the violin. Do I want to keep playing it or do I want to quit?" He weighs the options with his palms. "Do I want to continue on with St. Vincent's Academy for the Gifted or do I want to drop out and attend a regular college?"

He pauses in his tracks to stare at me. "So, no, I'm sorry, but I can't answer your question when I have no fucking clue for myself if I want to pursue Kelsi, the girl that's everything I thought I wanted or..."

Our eyes lock as he trails off. He doesn't finish the sentence, but I understand perfectly what he means to say.

Does he want the wild card? His sister's unpredictable and slightly unhinged best friend. The person that could shake up his entire existence.

Folding my arms, I jut out my chin and press my back against the pine. Wordlessly, he steps in closer, trailing the fingers of one hand over the rough bark while the other cups my chin. My breathing picks up as he searches my gaze for the compass that will point him down the right path.

Slowly, he sighs. He's the first to break our trance, lowering his mouth over mine. His kiss is soft at first as he tenderly brushes the fringe of my wig away from my brows. But he quickly deepens it, seeking in my lips, the answers to his questions.

Shivers race up my spine while my splayed hands run down his. I realize that this is the first time that he is kissing me not because we are swept up in a heated argument or because we just so happen to be thrusted into fooling around, but because he genuinely desires to do so.

His lips are working over mine in a perfectly aligned movement because I am Sterling Holloway, the girl that he can't stay away from, no matter how many times he swears to himself that I am the wrong choice.

And my brain agrees with him.

Do it now, the voice in my head suddenly hisses with a fevered urgency.

You have him right where you want so don't lose your willpower. Walk away and let him know how it feels to be cast aside for someone else. 

I push aside the demanding whispers as he cups my breasts and I melt against his touch. I was lying to myself. This is really what I yearn for, ache for. Who cares about revenge?

But another thought pushes its way past the tug of war in my brain. You may be kissing Jackson now but then what? What happens once you break away from his lips? Do you really believe that he's going to grasp you by the hand, lead you down to his family, and triumphantly announce you as his new girlfriend? the voice taunts.

This is the reasoning that I choose to listen to. And at the sound of twigs snapping, I am alerted that I have made the right decision. Jackson jumps back from me, and we swivel our heads to find Brandon standing there with a sheepish expression on his face.

"Sorry," he apologizes. "But nature calls and the bathroom was occupied."

I slide a cool glance in Jackson's direction as I press off the tree. "No worries. I was just about to come seek you out actually. I think we left some unfinished business from earlier."

Leaving Jackson with his mouth agape, I join Brandon and link my arm through his with a smug smirk.

Screw you, Jackson Moretti, I think as I trample through the brush and sticks. Now you know exactly how it feels to be second pick.

Question of the day: Do you think Jackson deserved Sterling's payback or do you think she should have stayed with him and given him one more chance despite her doubts?

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