(y/n) blinks owlishly at muzan as he goes through his drawers, surprise on her features. She didn't think a cold and selfish man like him was capable of being...nice..? This was news to her. just what is he doing?? She eyes him suspiciously tho. (girlie can never know, ya know?)

the demon king snatches her arm, making her glare as he tends to the wound in silence. His majestic slender fingers caressing her skin as he cleans the wound. his crimson gaze locks onto the beads of blood escaping the injury as he slowly leans down and laps it up with his tongue. The action causes (y/n)'s face to be warm. The heat further intensified when he snaps his gaze to hers, their eyes connected...is the room suddenly hot or is it just me??

"what are you...?" she didn't get to finish that thought when he removes his lips from her arm slowly and bandages it. She holds it tentatively in her grasp as she watches muzan walk away from her to discard the mess somewhere as if what he did was normal! Damn, all that drama and i simply could healed myself! She puckered her lips in frustration.

there was biwa strum and the foreign (h/c)-ette was back in her room. she looks around for a moment before sighing, flopping onto her back as it hits the futon. did muzan actually show some care? to her?? was it even possible for someone as arrogant, egoistic, and power-hungry as him?? nah, maybe she was just imagining it, that has to be it.

Her mind was reeling with so much thoughts that exhaustion overtakes her and her eyes flutter shut as (y/n) sleeps soundly on the futon. Unbeknownst to her, the sliding doors opened and muzan steps in, coming to sit by her side as he stares at her in silence (like some creep). He himself has decided to visit the girl to find out why he chose to take care of her wounds.

yet...the more the demon king stared, the less he forgot why he even came in the room in the first place. His hand reaches out subconsciously to lay on (y/n)'s cheek, his fingernails sharp enough to cut paper. His hand was cold compared to her warm flesh, and he oddly liked how it felt against his palm.

Despite the (h/c)-ette grating on his nerves 24/7, muzan's crimson hues slowly trails his gaze from her closed eyes, to her nose, to her lips which looks so soft to the touch...to her wide and bare neck...to her chest that moved up and down with every inhalation she took...and to her body itself...and for a split moment...the demon king thought one thing...beautiful...

Like a force drawn to a magnet, he didn't realize his face was lowered to hers, enough for their lips to touch. muzan was driven by impulse, an obsessive urge to taste what her lips are like pressed against his and if he would feel anything, and since he was a demon king, he can act on them however he pleases.

muzan closes the distance and kisses her lips. Just like that, he felt his chest swell with this strange emotion. It was desire but it was also something else...infatuation maybe?? He simply can't figure it out but it's making him crave more! MORE!!! He swiftly pulls away when he feels her shift a bit.

(y/n) groans sleepily, mumbling under breath, "mhm....pizza..." she turns on her side, leg and arms splayed out in her slumber as she accidentally kicks muzan's dick; the demon king widens his eyes, hunching over in pain as he hastily pushes her limb off him, grunting as his lips downturned.

once he was a safe distance from her moving arms and limbs and his groin was no longer throbbing in pain. He looks at her sleeping form with a glare, eyebrow twitching as he goes back to his train of thought.

muzan did not expect these feelings to emerge at all. He had long disposed of them when he became a demon but now....his eye twitched in anger, clutching his chest as his nails dig into his skin as he tries to rid the feeling. He did not expect himself to have slowly developed feelings for the human girl. This girl has become a curse to me...

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now