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I couldn't save her. She had to save herself. What's the point of all this wealth and power if I can't save my family when they need to be saved?

Thank God I sent Zack to stay at the palace with his grandparents and cousin. I don't want him around all this stuff that has been going on.

I called Ruben and told him to come downstairs. "Did you find her?" Was what he asked when he came down.

"The ladies have escaped. They are a few miles away, so we are going to get them." I informed.

"They escaped?" He asked, shocked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, let's go then." He spoke. We walked outside and got into the car, Shaquille joined us.

I decided to only bring three cars, three drivers and three men, because the ladies have already escaped. If needed, the drivers are trained so they can Han themselves. The cars drove off at lightning speed up the road.

"What happened to the kidnapper?" Ruben asked.

"Crystal said that he's dead." I told him.

"That's a shame. I wanted to kill him myself." Ruben commented. I looked at him in surprise but did not say anything.

We have been driving for about 49 minutes now, and we haven't seen the ladies yet. My phone began to ring, I looked and saw that it was the number that the ladies had called me on previously. I put the phone on speaker and answered the call.

"P-prince," came Lora’s voice, "We ran out of gas a-and Monica is b-bleeding. Oh my God." She cried.

"Monica is bleeding, where is she bleeding from?" I asked, concerned.

"Um from her lady part. I-its bad. Please hurry."

"We are on our way. We are just a few minutes out." I told her. "Drive faster!" I yelled at the driver.

"It hurts." I heard Monica whimper.

"It's going to be okay, Angel, I'll be there soon." I assured. I continued to comfort her while the driver sped the car at lightning speed.

Around fifteen to twenty minutes later, we saw a car ahead of us. It was parked. I looked and saw Crystal leaning against the car. "That's Crystal." I said out loud. "Stop up ahead." I told the driver.

When the driver parked the car, we all got out. Each of us ran to our significant other.

Monica was in the back of the jeep. I rushed towards the car and got inside. I took Monica's hand in mine. Her face was red from all the crying that she had been doing.

"Prince, our baby. I don't know if they are ok." She cried.

"It's going to be ok, Angel. I'm taking you home. The doctor will make sure everything is ok." I comforted her. I then took her out of the jeep and took her to one of my cars.

Monica and I were in the back of the back of the car while the driver and an extra man were in the front.

"Where is Zack?" Monica asked.

"He is at the palace. That's where we are headed right now." I told her.

"That guy was my uncle, Prince. He was so determined to rule both the mafia and take over the throne that he did not care if I was related to him." She told.

"I'm glad he's dead, Angel. Although I failed you, I should have been the one to kill him and rescue you." I told.

"You didn't fail me." She said and closed her eyes. I rested a hand on her stomach and caressed it, praying that everything is alright.



As soon as I saw Lora, I rushed towards her and embraced her. "My love." I greeted. I pulled away from her and started checking her for injuries. She had small cuts on her face, and she flinched whenever I touched her back and sides.

I watched as Prince drove away with Monica. My attention went back to Lora. I pulled her towards one of the remaining two cars, and we got in. The car started driving.

"Are you ok, love?" I asked her.

Lora suddenly started breathing fast, "I killed him." She cried as she tried to catch her breath. "I killed him, Ruben. I had to. I was the only one who knew how to use a gun, so I had to do it."

"I wish that I was the one who killed him and not you. I'm sorry that I was so late." I said, kissing her forehead. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

Lora hugged me tightly. "I thought that we were never going to get out of there and that I would never get to see you again.

"No matter what happens, we will always find our way back to each other." I promised her.

A few seconds of silence goes by. "Is the baby ok?" I asked her, concerned.

"I don't feel any pain or discomfort in my stomach, but I don't know if that's a good thing." Lora told me sadly.

I took her hand in mine and whispered a silent prayer.

Dear Lord, I'm not much of a believer, but just this once, please, please let my baby be ok. Thank you.


I rushed towards my beautiful wife, and she rushed towards me. We embraced each other and shared a passionate kiss.

Prince and Monica got in a car and went away, soon after Ruben and Lora did the same.

I led Crystal to the last remaining car, not wanting to be left out here alone. Crystal sat in the car, but she did not say anything.

"Crystal darling, are you okay?" I asked her. She did not move or make any effort to answer me.

I concluded that she was most likely in shock. I gently pulled her into my arms, but she flinched and started shaking.

"It's ok, love, it's me." I comforted, I did this until we arrived at the palace.

There is a hospital wing in the palace, so I instructed Prince and Ruben where to go. Each of us had our significant other in our arms as we hurried to the hospital wing. Our personal doctor, Doctor Raven, came in with two nurses. The room was large, and it had five beds inside, so all the ladies were placed inside that one room.

Doctor Raven went to Monica first since she was bleeding. She did an ultrasound, and we were all relieved when she said that Monica's baby would be alright. Doctor Raven also said that she had to be on bed rest and that she must not overwork herself.

The doctor then did an ultrasound on Lora and determined that her baby was also okay and that she too needed to be on bedrest.

When the doctor and nurses were checking for other injuries, Prince, Ruben, and I were horrified when we saw what those bastards had done to our ladies.

Crystal, Monica, and Lora had whipped marks on their backs, sides, and other parts of their bodies. The whip marks looked so deep as if they were caused by a whip with spikes and were wielded by someone strong.

We were all enraged, but Ruben was angrier since he did not see the videos that were sent and was not expecting such a horrible thing.

We stayed by our ladies, not wanting to leave their sides.

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