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I opened my eyes and groaned as I felt my head beating. I sat up slowly and looked around. I was on a bed with Crystal and Lora, and they were asleep.

I observed the room that we were in. It was not big but also not small. The window had grill bars, I guess they are there so that we don't escape.

I stumbled to the bathroom that I noticed and went inside. After I finished emptying my bladder and washed my hands, I noticed that the bathroom window also had a grill bar around it. I rolled my eyes at this. It's not like any of us can fit through the small window anyway.

When I returned to the room, I looked around once more and saw that there was nothing much inside, just the bed and a small table with a bed lamp on it.

I jumped and spun around when I heard the door open. "Oh, look who's awake." My kidnapper said cheerfully.

"Delvin." I growled.

"Ah, you remember my name." He said, placing a hand over his heart in a dramatic motion.

"How could I forget?" I commented.

"I'm honored."

"You shouldn't be, I didn't remember you because you are special, quite the opposite. " I grinned.

"It seemed that you have not learned your lesson." Delvin said.

"Why can't you just leave me and my family alone!"

"The only way that will happen is if I get what I want."

"And what is that?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw that Crystal was awake and she was the one who spoke.

"Everything that should belong to me, the throne and the mafia." He told.

"The mafia?" A confused Crystal asked.

"Oh dearie, your sister-in-law's husband is a mafia leader." Delvin informed.

"Monica, is that true? Is your husband a criminal?" Crystal gasped.

I glared at her, "Prince may be in the mafia, but he is no criminal, Crystal. Watch the way you speak about my husband." I scowled.

Crystal stayed silent. "What are you going to do to us anyway?" She asked Delvin.

"I have big plans for you ladies, don't worry."

"Why do you look so familiar?" Crystal asked. The smirk vanished from Delvin's face.

"You do not know me, princess." He spat and left the room. Crystal and I looked at each other.


Lora woke up a few minutes ago. The three of us were now sitting up in bed. Crystal was still pondering. She wanted to remember where she knew Delvin from.

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"I know that I know him. My mind is just not in the mood to remember at the moment." Crystal answered.

"It will come back to you soon." Lora reassured her.

"Wait, what did you call him?" Crystal asked.

"He told me that his name is Delvin when he kidnapped me the first time, he also said that they call him the prince."

"Oh my God!" Crystal gasped.

"What?" I asked her.

"In a section of the palace, they hung pictures of the royal family members, I think I've seen his picture on the wall." Crystal said.

"Are you saying that our kidnapper is related to the royal family?" Lora asked with wide eyes.

There were a few seconds of silence. "Delvin Walberg is his name, second born son of former king Benjamin Walberg and younger brother of current king William Walberg." Crystal recalled.

"What?" Lora gasped.

"Oh my God." I spoke. A few tears escaped my eyes. "This man is my uncle?" I gasped.

"Yes." Crystal answered.

"W-why is he not at the palace? Why does he want the throne? Was there some kind of fallout between him and William?" I asked.

"All I know is that Prince Delvin is basically the black sheep of the royal family. After King William became king, Delvin was not the same. Once, when King William was giving a public speech, Delvin told him that he shouldn't have been crowned king of England. It was messy. It was even worse after King William got married to Queen Marianna. Delvin tries to kill her, I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind your kidnapping when you were a baby."

"Oh my God." Is all that I managed to say again. More tears fell from my eyes. "No second born child of the royal family has ever ruled, from my knowledge of the royal family, unless the older one dies. What makes him want to rule so badly?" I asked.

"Maybe he was tired of being the black sheep. That is normally what happens when the parent shows one child more love than the other." Lora suggested.

"Maybe." Crystal agreed. I kept silent even though I agreed with them.

I feel for the guy if that's the case, but what gives him the right to ruin my childhood? What did I ever do to him?


The next morning, we were awoken by the sound of the door opening. We have been here for almost a day.

Delvin stepped through the door, and two ladies came behind him, each holding a tray in their hands. On the trays were food and fruits.

Delvin had a bag in his hands. He threw them on the bed. "I brought clean clothes, you can all have a shower and then eat." He commanded.

The two ladies left the trays in an empty space on the bed and left.

"I know that you are my uncle." I spoke.

"I see that the princess remembered where she knew me from." He commented.

"This whole time, I thought that you were just a random guy who was hungry for wealth and power but to find out that you are family." I said in disbelief.

"We are no family, Monique,  my parents made that decision when they showed my brother more love than me and pretended as if I didn't exist." Delvin raged.

"So, your parents didn't love you, boohoo. What does any of this have to do with me!?" I screamed.

"Your father was living a happy life. He had everything that I wanted, a wife, children,  and a throne. I decided to take them all away. If I can't have these things, neither can he." Delvin growled. "Now stop talking and go take a shower." He commanded and left the room.


The ladies and I took turns and showered, and then we sat down and ate. After eating the food that was prepared for us, we lay on the bed bored.

"My life was so simple a few weeks ago. How did it turn out like this?" I sighed.

"Who knows, I just want all this to be over." Lora spoke and closed her eyes. Crystal and I did the same.

Life As A RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now