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My six months old stomach was perfectly round. My baby girl was growing nicely, and the royal family's personal doctor said that she was healthy.

Zack loves to put his head on my stomach and whenever the baby kicks, he jumps for joy. Prince loves to feel when the baby kicks also.

Lora's baby bump was now visible to the eyes, she is three months pregnant. Prince and Ruben treat us like glass. They even influenced and instructed baby Zack not to let us lift anything.

Zack is like our little bodyguard now and boy does he take his job seriously.

Lora, Crystal, and I decided to go shopping, have some free time away from the males.  Said males did not want us to go anywhere alone and decided to accompany. We eventually had no choice but to comply. We also decided to bring the children along.

With five guards from Prince, three from the royal family and the male themselves, the ladies and I set out to have a fun time.

Ruben and Shaquille were in the back seat with the children, the ladies and I were before them, and Prince was sitting in the front passenger seat with the driver.

"It's my first time being out of the palace since I got here." I told the ladies.

"Oh, yes. I'm so sorry that you had to come to London in such a bad way. London is a beautiful place, I wish you could see it all." Crystal told.

"Maybe I will travel here in the future, as of now we have a lot to worry about." I told her. My hand found its way to my stomach as I said this.

I looked at Crystal who was looking at my protruding stomach, "Are you planning to have any more children, Crystal?" I asked her.

"I do want more children, yes." She answered.

"Daddy, can we get candy?" I heard Annie asked her father.

"Annie, sweets are not good for your teeth." He told.

"Just one, please." She was behind me, but I could tell she was giving him that cute pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Ah, fine. You can have just one." He told her.

I looked over to Lora who has been quiet all this time, "Are you OK? You haven't said much since this the car drove off?" I asked.

"I'm fine, yea I'm good." She replied, I furrowed my brows at her answer but replied with an OK.

After driving for a while, we came to a stop. We got out of the car one by one. I looked around and thought, wow London is a busy place.

The clothes store that we stopped in front of was gigantic. Lovely glass walls and doors. "Let's go." I said dragging Lora and Crystal along.

My mouth fell open when I saw the inside of the store. Words couldn't even begin to describe it. It was like a mini palace itself.

I looked up and saw a slim lady dressed in red and black uniform walking towards us. Straight away I knew that she works here.

"Hello there, my name is Ellen. Can I help you guys with anything?" she politely asked.

"Hi." I smiled, "Um, my clothes are getting a bit too tight so um, I'm here to get new ones." I told.

"Oh, you are pregnant." She spoke. Her eyes lit up and I wondered why.

"Yes, Six months." I told her with a smile.

"That's wonderful. You can follow me." She said and started walking away.

I looked both behind and beside me and saw that everyone was accounted for. We followed Ellen to wherever she was leading us. She stopped when she was in front of a lot of racks with dresses on them.

She turned to me, "I didn't ask, what do you prefer, dresses or pants?" she asked.

"Dresses." Prince answered before I could. The staff looked at me and I nodded in confirmation.

Prince must have realized that pants are a little uncomfortable for me.

"What do you prefer Lora?" I asked.

"Dresses, but I also want some loose pants, joggers perhaps." She answered.

"That sounds like a lovely idea, I might get some joggers for myself." I spoke. "Let's buy some dresses first then we can go and look at joggers." I suggested.

"Sounds good."  Lora agreed.

Crystal is not pregnant, so she decided to go to a different section of the store to shop. Shaquille and Annie went with her.

Lora and I spent forty-five minutes trying on and choosing the perfect dresses. We then went to the pants section and bought joggers.

I picked out some clothes for Zack and Prince and Lora chose some for Ruben.

After shopping for a while, we all ended up together again. Then something occurred to me, baby clothes.

"Lora, do you want to check out some baby clothes with me?" I asked and pulled her with me before she had the chance to answer.

"Careful Monica!" I heard Prince shout, I stopped for a split second and then continued to drag Lora along.

He is going to be so upset.

Lora, Crystal, and I looked at so many baby clothes together, while the males groaned in annoyance and the children whined from exhaustion.

I can't wait for my baby girl to arrive.

"Papa. I'm hungry." Zack said to Prince when we were at the cashier paying for our items.

"Me too, daddy." Annie said looking up at Shaquille.

"I'm hungry too." Lora and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's get the bags packed into the car and then we can get all of you some food." Prince said shaking his head with a chuckle.

We started walking towards the exit, each of us ladies by our partner's side. When I reached near the door, I skipped. When I felt myself falling backwards, I screamed and waited for the deadly impact.

With my eyes screwed shut and my breathing hard and fast, I realized that there were two hands on my back holding me up.

I open my eyes and saw that it was Prince, he pulled me up so that I was standing straight and then he hugged me.

My mind was still hazy, and I unconsciously let out a cry of relief.

"You're okay, you're okay." Prince assured me while caressing my back.  I let out a long shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" Ruben asked.

"Yes," I answered but it came out inaudible. I cleared my throat and repeated myself.

We all continued our journey to the car. After the males put the bags in the back, we all got into the car.

I had a hand on my stomach all the way to the diner.

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