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Hey readers, sorry for the late update, Work has been very busy. Promise you will get chapter 10 soon.

On to the story...


My eyes surveyed the lonely, silent room in search of anything that would aid me in my plan to escape. There was nothing here that could do any damage to someone. Maybe the chairs would work, I could hit that bastard in the head and make a run for it.

I sighed and looked through the huge glass window. Heavy rain was falling outside, I smiled as I watched it pour.

Zack would be jumping for joy, he loves the sound of the rain. Whenever the rain fell, Zack and I would cuddle in bed, and if Prince was home, he would join us.

I haven't seen my kidnapper since dinner yesterday, and I was happy about it.

A great idea came to me. I jumped from the bed and tiptoed towards the door. I placed my ears against the door and shivered as I felt the cold wood against my face. The other side of the door was quiet, and I grinned at that.

I opened the door quietly and peeked through, there was no one outside. The hallway was vast and lonely, and I dreaded what lies at the bottom of those stairs. My journey down the stairs was short lived when I saw my kidnapper coming up the stairs. When he looked up and saw me a cruel smile appeared on his face, “Ah, just the person I’m coming to see.” He spoke.

Gaining a little confidence, I said, “You know, I can’t keep calling you ‘the guy who kidnapped me’, what’s your name?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He retorted, “People call me the prince and most call me Devlin.” He spoke.

“Is that your real name?” I questioned.

"Enough about me. It seems that your husband has found your location,” he chuckled as though he had said
something funny, “He doesn’t know what I have instore for him. This is just the beginning; I want to show him how easy it was to snatch his family from him.”

“How do you always know what my husband is doing?” I asked stopping his rants, “Do you have someone spying on them?”

He gripped my face harshly with his large hand, “Don’t you ever interrupt me when I’m speaking.” He spat.

I laughed, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do at the moment, but I didn’t care. “Only a coward kidnap his enemy’s family to prove a point.” I scoffed.

My kidnapper kept silent, not replying to my statement. “Boys!” he yelled. Two well-built men with broad shoulders came walking up the stairs. The men looked like they were body builders, my eyes widen. For the first time since I’ve been here, I felt truly terrified.

What were these men going to do to me?

“You see these men, princess, they are going to rough you up a bit. I don’t want your husband to think that I’ve been kind to you.” He told.

My hand caressed my stomach in worry. “Oh, don’t worry about the little one, I’m not going to harm it,” he told, “Not yet anyways.” He added.

Not interested in replying to him, I turned and ran away from the stairs. I couldn’t let them catch me. I was panicking and I was clueless about where I should go since, I was in a house that was unfamiliar to me.
It seemed that I had stop running because I felt someone grabbed me roughly from behind. A loud scream emitted from me, and I struggled to free myself.

“Please!” I screamed, “Please don’t do this.” I begged.

I gasped when I felt a small pinch on my neck. My vision blurred and I fell into the abyss.


My eyes fluttered open, my vision was blurry, and I couldn’t see very well. A small cry left my mouth when I tried to stand up. My body felt like it had been through hell. I used my hands to assist me to get up, the floor felt rough and rugged, almost as if I was on a road.
I stood up cautiously, but I winced in pain, my body felt so sore. Looking at my hands, I saw blacken spots and I gasped.

Did these men really hurt an unconscious, pregnant woman?

My vision became fully cleared and I observed my surroundings. It seemed I was in an alley way.

The bastard left me in here all alone in an alley!

I wrapped my arms around myself in comfort. Car horns echoed in a distance; a smile made its way onto my face. There were people around, maybe they could help me.

I sprinted through the alley as though my life depended on it, which it did. When I got to the end of the alley, I bumped into someone. I cried out awaiting the deadly impact, but it never came. I peeled my eyes open and saw that someone was keeping me from falling. It was a middle-aged man with grey beard. I cleared my throat and stood up straight, “I’m so sorry.” I apologized.

“What has you running like that?” he asked curiously.

“Where am I?” I asked instead of answering his question.

“You’re in London, dear.” The man told.

From Scotland to London is almost 1 hour and 30 minutes. How did I not wake up? What did those goons drug me with?

Wait, London, I’m in London. My kidnapper did say that I’m the lost princess of England. Why would he leave me here of all places?

“He doesn’t know what I have instore for him. This is just the beginning; I want to show him how easy it was to snatch his family from him.” I recalled what he had said. He wants me to bond with my family so that he can take me away from them again.

“May I borrow your phone?” I asked the man.

“Ah, sure.” He said and handed me his phone
“Thank you so much.” I dialed the number that I knew very well. The person picked up on the second ring.

“Who is this?” he asked.

“Prince.” I called and let out a breath of relief.

Life As A RoyaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz