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Thank you all for your support🩷


I sniffled when Prince hung up, I didn’t want him to stop talking to me just yet. Turning to the stranger, I returned his phone. “Thank you so much for allowing me to use your phone.” I said sincerely.

“No problem.” The man said with a nod.

“Is it possible that you could help me some more by taking me to the palace?” I asked.

“Look young lady, I don’t know what you and whosoever you just called is up to, but I won’t be apart of it.” He told me.

“Look here mister, I have been kidnapped from my husband and child and left in an alley like garbage for God knows how long, and on top of that I’m three months pregnant, frustrated and pissed. You are going to bring me to the palace, or I’ll find some ways to make your life miserable.” I snapped.

The man stood speechless, “So, are you going to take me there?” I questioned with a raised brow.

“I’ll take you there,” he said, “But if the guards start shooting at us, I won’t protect you.” He forewarned.

I rolled my eyes, irritated. “Lead the way.”

After minutes of walking, I realized that I didn’t ask the man for his name, he was helping me after all, even though I had to threatened him to do so.

“What is your name?” I questioned.

“Isiah.” He told.

“Well Isiah, I am Monica. Though it wasn’t your choice to help me, I’m really grateful that you are.” I smiled.

London was a beautiful place; it is filled with plenty of skyscrapers. The evening breeze was so cool and refreshing. I wanted to reach the palace but at the same time, I wanted to stay outside and enjoy the breeze.

A sudden excruciating pain in my abdomen had me falling to the cold, rugged ground. I screamed and held my abdomen. “My baby!” I cried to Isiah.

“We are almost at the palace; come I’ll carry you.”  Isiah said lifting me from the ground. My vision got very blurry as the pain intensified. The last thing I saw before it went dark were men in red and black uniform running towards us.


I groaned as my eyes fluttered opened. It felt like I have gotten some well needed rest, but at the same time my body still felt sore. Looking around the room that I was currently in, I saw that it was unfamiliar to me.

Have I been kidnapped again?

An uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen made me wince in pain. I gasped when I recalled what happened.

Is my baby ok? Where is Isiah?

Did he kidnapped me because I passed out? I was so rude to him.

The door squeaked, I looked towards it only to see a ginger hair woman. She was dressed in a pink blouse and a black pants with a white coat covering them.

‘She must be a doctor.’ I concluded.
“Ah Princess, you’ve awoken.” She said, pushing through the door with a smile on her face.

“Where am I and who are you?” I questioned.

“You’re in the palace Princess and I am Doctor Raven, the royal family’s personal doctor.”

“You mean the London palace?”

“Yes, Princess.” She confirmed.

“Did a man came with me?”

“I believe he left. He said he did his part and that he wanted nothing more to do with the situation.”

“What about my baby, is he or she okay?” I asked, placing a hand on my tommy.

“Your baby is stable as of now, however, due to the stress that your body has been undergoing these past days, I will advise you to take a lot of rest from now on. I am submitting you to a week of bed rest.” She told professionally.

“I will do that doctor, thank you.”

“I will leave you for now princess. The king and queen will visit you in a few minutes.” She informed, packing up her equipment.

“The-the king and queen are coming to see me?” I stuttered.

Couldn’t they wait for a few hours or something? What am I supposed to say to them?

“Don’t be afraid princess, they are good people.” She assured me, I only nodded my head in recognition. The doctor left the room, and I was left to think of something to say to them.

“My eyes felt droopy, and I lay back and fell asleep.


“She’s so beautiful.” I heard a woman commented, her tone filled with awe.

“Yes, she is darling, just like you.” A man agreed.

Who were these people and why are they in my room? I opened my eyes slowly and waited for a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light filled room. I sat up on the bed happily but gasped when I saw two elderly people staring at me.

“Um hi.” I greeted, unsure of how to react.

“Oh, darling come here.” the lady said, bringing me into her arms. Her hug felt warm and loving, and if I dear say motherly. “It’s so good to have you back Monique.” She sniffled.

I stiffened, Monique? this woman must be my mother and the queen of London. The name Monique, I’m beginning to hate it. “Thank you.” I said awkwardly, patting her back lightly. “Um…do you mind calling me Monica?” I asked her politely.

The queen sat on the bed and caress my cheeks, “Of course, I can darling.” She smiled. “They did not hurt you, did they?” From the tone of her voice, I could tell who she was referring to.

“Yes, but not much.” I answered. The room went quiet, and I glanced at the king. He just stood there staring at me.

“Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Marianna Walberg, queen of London and this is my husband William Walberg, king of London.” She introduced.

I turned to the king, “Hi.” I greeted.
“Hello Monique,” he greeted, and I stiffened at the name, “I apologize, Monica.’ I gave a small smile.

“Your husband and your brother will be here in a few hours; we will speak more then. You should rest now.’ The king said, his tone strict leaving no room for discussion. I nod my head and lay down on the bed.

What a day

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