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I was on the jet with some of my men, we were on our way to Scotland to bring Angel home. The flight was so frustratingly long.

About three hours into the flight, I decided to call Ruben. "Hey bro." he greeted.

"Are you guys good?" I asked.

"Yes, we are. I forgot how long this flight was." Ruben groaned.

"How is Zack holding up?"

"Oh, he's having the time of his life, listen," Ruben chuckled.

"No silly, papa has lots of jackets like you. Papa and I have matching jackets too, it's so cool. Mommy and I couldn't match because I can't wear a dress." Zack rambled. I heard Sandro, one of my bodyguards, chuckle.

"But you and your mommy could wear matching colors." Sandro said.

"Matching colors?" a curious Zack asked.

"Yes. What's your favorite color?"


"Then you and mommy can wear matching green clothes."

"When mommy gets back, then we will wear matching green. The bad man took mommy away, but daddy went to get her back. The bad man will stand in the corner for a long time." Zack said sadly.

"Your Papa will find your mommy." Sandro assured him. Zack didn't say anything.

"Ruben," I called.

"Yea." He answered.

"Take care of him until I get back."

"Ok bro." Ruben promised. I hung up the phone and sighed.

Five hours passed and my ass was getting tired from sitting for so long. I leaned backwards, into the seat getting ready to fall asleep. My phone rang and I sat up quickly. Checking the caller's ID, I saw that it was an unknown number.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Prince." Came my name from the other side of the phone.

"Angel," I breathe, "My love, are you ok?" I asked, my voice broken with emotions.

"Prince," she sobbed, "A-are you ok? Zack..."

"Everyone is ok love," I told her, "What about you?"

"I'm alright, he took me to London. The asshole drugged me and left me in in an alley." She flared angrily.

"That bastard, I'm going to kill him." I raged. "Angel, I'm on my way. Find a way to go to the palace, I'll have your brother inform the king and queen to keep an eye out for you."

"So, it's true then, I'm related to the royal family."

"Yes love. I always knew you were special." I said with a smile. "Go to the palace and stay safe, I'm coming to get you."

"Ok. I love you prince."

"I love you, Angel." I said and hesitated to hang up the phone.

I turned to Christoff, one of my men, and told him to inform the captain that we are changing course to London. I quickly dialed Shaquille's number and call him. "Have you found her?" is the first thing he asked when he answered the phone.

"Yes," I answered, "I need you to inform your mother and father to send guards to look for Monica, she said that her kidnapper left her in London." I said.

"She's in London?" the prince gasped.

"That's what I just said. I told her to go to the palace, so hurry up and tell your parents wat I said." I spoke and hung up before he could say anything else.


I called my parents and told them what Prince said. My mother was sobbing with joy that her daughter will soon return to her.

I smiled with tears in both eyes, my sister will be home soon.

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