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Edited 05/12/2023


The job that I do is very demanding. I work constantly every day. My throne room is very empty for now. My wife is at a dress fitting while my son is away on vacation with his wife and daughter.

"Your highness," one guard acknowledge when he was before me, he bowed respectfully.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The prince is on the phone." he informed, showing me the phone.

"Bring it" I commanded. He did so.

"Son" I greeted once I had the phone in my hand.

"Father, we have some news, though we don't want to bring your hopes up." he said.

"What is it son?"

"We met someone today, a woman, she had a kid and a husband-"

"Where is this going?" I asked, he always strays away from the point.

"The woman we met name is Monica-"

"We think she's the princess because she looks like the queen." His wife cut him off. I froze.

"W-what?" I stuttered. Apart from my wifes mother and sisters, theres only one person that could look like her.

"Yes father, she looks just like mom, and she has my eyes." my son told me.

"Find out everything you can about her and call me back as soon as you do." I commanded.

"We're having dinner with them father; I'll see what I can find out."

"Ok. But before you go, what did you say her name was?"

"Monica, her name is Monica."

"That sounds about right, that's what Henry used to call her. Poor old Henry couldn't just call her Monique, he gave his life just to save her." I sighed sadly.

"Honey I'm back. I heard my wife greeted," I looked up and saw her coming into the throne room.

"I'll talk to you later; I'm going to tell your mother the news."

"Ok father, bye."

"Was that our son?" My wife asked.

"Yes, he had some interesting news." I told getting up from my throne.

"His wife is pregnant again." My wife gushed with excitement. She always wanted a lot of grandchildren, but up to date she only has one.

"Something much better than that."

"What could be much better than me having another grandchild?" She scowled, folding her hands across her chest.

"Finding our daughter." I spoke.

"You found my Monique?" She gasped through tears.

"Our son seems to think so, I told him to find out everything he can about her. Hopefully it is not another false hope." I sighed sadly.

"What? we should bring her here, he's her twin he should know if it's her."

"He's having dinner with her; we'll find out if we need to take her then."

"No, we need to take her now!"

"But darling what if-"

"Please" she begged desperately.

I sighed; this woman can be very stubborn when she wants to be. "Ok, we'll take her." I gave in.


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