Chapter 3 Reagan's forced marriage.

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Reagan opened the document and looked at it, he looked at all the workers name and saw that they were now twenty one.

Looking at the new worker's information, his eyes paused as he looked at her profile picture.
She was the girl they almost hit on the road the other day.

He looked at her picture again, her big smile was contagious but he didn't care. If not for the fact that she had already started working, he could have fired her.

A worker who doesn't care about her life and recklessly crosses the road, wouldn't she put other workers life in danger.

Reagan put her documents away and picked up the one for the charity event. What Blake said sounded in his ears.

He really liked children and he could have had many children with different ladies from different wealthy family but he was in search of the girl from that night. The beautiful delicacy that he savoured through out the night.

The dim light couldn't let him see her face well and he was too drunk so he couldn't resist.

He was sure that that girl was going to get pregnant sooner or later if she didn't take contraceptive pills. He himself knew that he was like a beast that night.

She woke up and tried to run multiple times but he caught her and threw her back into the bed.

At some point he felt pity for her small body that kept trembling in his hands, he watched her sobbing face and his heart sank. That night, he promised himself to find her when the time came.

Reagan pinched the space between his eyebrows before going back to work.

Blake did as he was told and sent the money to the Fairytale Book Publishing Company's account.

Stella's boss, Mrs Clara, called some workers and handed them some money before saying "Take this money and go to the Bigs clothing company, tell them we need a batch of children's clothing."

After telling them what to do, they left to complete their task.
Stella stood in front of her office floor to ceiling window with a cup of tea in her hand.

She was taking a break after writing different kids story books. She had to send them to the printers later, she still had more to write.

The workers in the company kept reducing as some of them were been sent on errands. Some went to the clothing company, some went to the toy factory, and some to the city market.

Clara walked into Stella's office. She was satisfied after seeing all the books Stella had written. She went and stood close to Stella, looking at the sky that had already start to turn dark.

" Good job Stella, don't worry, after this event is over, I'll tell the big boss about all your good works and maybe, he will increase your salary." Clara smiled.

Stella glanced at her and smiled faintly before speaking "Is the boss that generous, rich people of now and days are looking for how to shorten their workers salary so they can have more money to themselves." Stella spoke from her own side view of how rich people behaved.

Clara shook her head " The big boss isn't like that, look, he just transferred 10 million to the company's account for the charity event. All the money are for charity, not a single dime is going to enter my pocket.

Our bonus will come from him after the event is over while the salary will be monthly. He gives us bonus twice in a weeks and he still pays us our complete salary, tell me where have you seen a job with a generous boss." Clara defended her boss because she knew he was a good person.

" Ok, if you say so." Stella muttered, she felt tired after sitting on her chair, typing for hours.

" When you get home tomorrow, have a good rest." Clara said as she walked out of Stella's office.

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