Chapter 2 Boss, when will you have your own child.

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Two weeks later.

Stella managed to get a job in Fairytale Book Publishing Company. There were only twenty workers and Stella made them twenty one.

The salary wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.
Stella was good at writing kids and adults books, she had written many before but either Sophia and Sophie tore them to pieces or they took credits for it.

She stood up from her work desk and brought out the ring from her bag. She walked over to one of her friends and asked, "Sonia, do you know anything about this type of ring?"

Sonia raised her head and took a good look at the ring before slowly standing up from her seat. " Stella, where did you get this ring, do you know how expensive it is.

There are only two made, the silver moon ring and the golden sun ring. Where did you get this from. Stella, do you know the worth of this ring.

You can become rich if you sell this ring but I'm still asking, where did you get it from?" Sonia asked in disbelief.

" I found it in..." As Stella remembered where she got the ring from, her mood changed.

Maybe this ring belonged to the man from last night. So that means he was rich. Stella hated the rich, they could commit crimes and walk away freely by just throwing a few notes at the people they offended.

Even if she hated them, she still dreamed of becoming rich one day. She never got a dime from the Brooks family. She had to fend for herself.

Her other main goal of becoming rich was to take revenge on the Brooks family. Since she was never treated as a family, they aren't her family either, they are now outsiders and normal people.

Stella didn't answer Sonia's question, instead she walked back to her seat and continued with her work.

She missed her mum, her mum always praised her for the good novels she wrote but now, there was no mother to warm her cold shoulders.

Her father did not care about her, he always said that her birth was a mistake and that she brought bad luck to their family.

The only person who wasn't partial was her grandfather, but he was now laying on his death bed. He was very sick and it seemed like the drugs he took made him more sick.

When it was time to leave work, Stella arranged her work desk before checking out of work. She walked by the streets of Country X where you could see thousands of luxurious cars on the road.

She was crossing the road but her mind wasn't paying attention.

A sleek black Rolls Royce unexpectedly came to a fast halt. The man at the back looked up and asked, "What's the reason for your sudden halt?"

" Boss, a woman was crossing the road and she wasn't watching, I almost hit her." Blake the secretary answered.

The man looked out the window and saw the girl, she was walking like a soulless being. He furrowed his brows and said, "If she likes her life she wouldn't cross the road like that, don't ever stop this car for any unreasonable reason."

" Yes boss." The secretary stepped on the accelerator and sped off.

Stella didn't know what was wrong with her. She bought some fruits at a nearby store before going home.

When she arrived, Mira greeted her and took the bag from her hand, placing it on the dinning table before asking.

" What wrong Stella, why are you so moody today?"

" I don't know why I've been feeling strange in the passed few days." Stella replied as she sat on the dinning chair.

" Well that's not good, do you have time tomorrow to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

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