Chapter 49: 3 seconds

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"We're back." He says and looks from Wanda and me to Sam. Sam nods.
"Looks like it."

"What was that and why did we turn to dust and-" I stop midsentence and look around, getting a bit frantic.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Wanda asks in a calm voice and my eyes snap back to hers.

"Where is Mom?" I ask, starting to be scared that she might have turned to dust as well and didn't return.

"It didn't look like she was snapped away." Bucky says and gently pads my shoulder.

I don't understand...snapped away?
The last thing that I remember is, that Thanos snapped with the infinity gauntlet and seconds later, I started to fade into dust. My confusion seems to be written across my face and Sam and Bucky share a glance.

"Didn't they tell you what would happen if Thanos snapped?" Bucky asks and I shake my head. No one told us.

"It was supposed to wipe out half of the population in the universe." Sam continues to explain, which makes my eyes grow big. I didn't know that was possible like, at all.

"But...we are here again. We weren't gone for long, maybe a few seconds." Wanda interjects and Bucky nods and shrugs.

"I don't know why we are here again but I am assuming they found a way to undo it." He says and I know who he means by 'they'. It makes me think about Mom again and I look at Bucky.

"How do you know, that my mom is alright?" I ask.

"I saw her, right before I vanished. She seemed fine, nothing of her body turned to dust." He explains and I am not sure if I should be relieved.

She could have disappeared later on. And is it really that good to stay here?
It must have been chaotic in the past... In the past what?
I have no clue how much time has passed but I know for sure, that some did because the weather is warmer and the forest looks a little different since I closed my eyes, believing I would be gone forever.

"I think we should go back to Wakanda, they probably are able to help us there." Wanda says and the others agree.

My eyes still look around the forest but I'm not sure, what I'm looking for.
We don't get very far before we see some other people who look as confused as us. There's also this living tree thing, which I am more than confused about. But it seems like Bucky and Sam know who that is, so I just go with it, not having enough energy to ask questions now.

I'm honestly surprised, that Wanda seems to have quite a lot of energy left. She has been blasted through the forest by Thanos as well but it seems like she recovers faster than I do. Maybe that's also because I am still recovering from my 'operation' before the snap.

After a few more steps, there are suddenly sparks in the air and I stop. Wanda looks at me a little worried but then she jumps a little, when the sparks turn into a round portal. A man steps out of it, looking around before his eyes settle on our little group.

"I'm Wong. We need you." He says shortly and Sam and Bucky nod instantly.

"Wait, for what?" I ask, a bit suspicious about him.

"For the battle against Thanos." He explains but that only confuses me more and I'm not alone with that.

"But, we just fought Thanos and lost." Wanda points out and gestures towards the forest behind us.

"Long story but all you need to know is: there is a fight going on right now and the Avengers need every help they can get." He says hastily and I feel a little more hopeful. The Avengers, that sounds promising. At least some of us seem to have survived the snap.

"How do we get there?" Bucky asks, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms a little.
Wong turns around and makes another portal. This time, we are able to see through it and it makes the blood freeze in my veins.

There's a battle field, everything already looks wrecked and there are a lot of creatures. I can't spot Mom or any of the others but I can tell, that there are a bunch of aliens lining up for a fight. I gulp but slowly nod.

"Let's fight Thanos." I say, my voice not quite as steady as I wish for it to be.

"No. No 'let's fight'." Wanda says, her tone not really leaving room for discussions. I look at her and tilt my head in question.

"Not for you anyways. You're injured and don't have the energy to fight, or the equipment." She points out and I can tell that Wong is getting impatient. Wanda seems to notice that too because he looks at him.

"Take the others for now and come back in a few moments if that's possible." She orders and Wong nods, gesturing towards the portal and without hesitation, the rest of our little group walks right through it, disappearing as soon as Wong follows them, leaving Wanda and me alone.

"I'm not gonna let you fight and I for sure won't put you in danger." She says, turning back to me.

"Wanda, there's a huge fight going on and they need every help they can get." I hold against her.

"I know, I saw but you aren't in the shape to fight, not after that operation anyways. I know, you want to help and everything but this isn't safe at all. You have no protection on you or weapons or anything. You basically just hopped off an operation table and your body needs time to recharge and rest. You can't fight right now." She says, her eyes soft and caring but her voice stern, making it obvious that she won't let me participate.

She isn't wrong though. I have nothing to help me fight and with my body being injured, I can't exactly do combat right now. One hit and I would be on the ground. I hate to admit it, but she is right.

"I don't want you to go either though." I say and for a few seconds Wanda just looks at me, before her expression softens and she sighs.

"I know, but I am ready and willing to fight. I want to make sure, that Thanos won't take away our future together. He should pay for everything he did." She says in a fighting spirit.

"What if you get hurt? Or worse?" I ask, my voice breaking a little at the mere thought of that happening. Wanda's free hand comes up to cup my face.

"Or worse won't happen and I won't get hurt, I promise. I can protect myself, especially when I have someone worth returning to." She says, her voice soft as her thumb rubs gentle circles over my cheek.

"I can't lose you." I whisper and Wanda shakes her head.

"You won't. I will come back, I promise." She says and kisses my forehead.

I believe in her and her abilities but I am still scared for her to go. But she is right, she is strong and would be a great help in this fight. Just as I am about to say something, the portal opens again and Wong steps out, his eyebrows raised, expecting our answer.

"Can you bring y/n to a safe place, where nothing will happen?" Wanda asks and Wong sighs but nods.

"Alright. What about you?" He asks and Wanda glances back at me before looking at Wong.

"I'm going to fight." She decides and as heavy as that makes my heart, I know it's the right thing to do.

Wong seems okay with that and opens a portal that shows a house surrounded by trees and a lake behind it. It indeed looks very peaceful. I turn around to Wanda one last time.

"Be careful and don't die." I whisper and she nods and pulls me in for a quick but soft kiss.

"I will come back to you." She whispers back before letting me go.

I look at her for a few more seconds before I step into the portal. My stomach makes a weird twist but that's it.
When I look back, the portal is gone. I take a breath and start walking towards the house.
Let's see who is inside.

A/n: They are back, yay!

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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