Ch 20: Mammon I wish you were replaceable

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So it's been what, a week maybe since the whole Crimson thing and I'll say this much, greed ring are starting to demand me to either sing or give them a refund. So I decided now that my voice is healed just enough for a performance I'll sing after a clown pageant thingy Mammon has going that apparently Fizz part takes in. Why, I don't know because I find it so stupid but whatever.

I hear Fizz and Ozzie in their room and peak in. I see Fizz asking and freaking out about where his fondation is because of something showing on his face that I guess Mammon wouldn't like. He kept ranting and I could see that he was hurting about something as he said he had to be perfect even though Ozzie said otherwise. Mammon, what the fuck are you doing to him to make him think he has to be perfect. Shit if I have to show Mammon not to mess with me again I swear.

I see Ozzie come out of the room, calling someone as he sees me and ask me to come with him for this phone call. I hear Blitzø on the other end and I'm surprised but as I hear the conversation continue I see what this is about and I just stay quiet, leaning against a wall. After the call, Ozzie turns to me and I nod already knowing he wants me to help Blitzø protect Fizz but more verbally for obvious reasons, really to only step in when absolutely needed.

So we leave for the pageant, picking up Blitzø along the way and he has a sniper with him, always been a man with a gun. We made small talk as Fizz did question why Blitzø was here but didn't say anything, not until we showed up to the pageant and he asks Ozzie, whispering babe at the last part. Ozzie disappears to who knows where and walk on one side of Fizz while Blitzø is on the other.

"I'll make sure nobody give up shit today" I clear my throat after Fizz says 'besides you' and Blitzø continues with, "and y/n of course." He laughs a little awkwardly.

Fizz goes on to meeting his fans as Mommon shows up out of no where, flinging Blitzø right into me and sending me to the ground with him on top of me. I groan as Blitzø gets off of me and helps me up as we hear Mammon saying some pretty mean things to Fizz but he just agrees. Okay I might not be Fizz's mother but he is still my baby so I'm a little pissed but I'm not going to make a scene right now. Blitzø does the opposite though and shit talks Mammon which I try to hold back my laughter but can't, I start laughing out loud. Fizz looks at me with a little bit of worry and wish for this to stop but Mammon stills when he see me.

"Y/n I didn't realize you'd be here today, are you here to perform?" He tried to pass off what he knew and knows what I can do by asking this question which makes me stop laughing and shake my head.

"No, bodyguarding Fizz. I owed Ozzie a favor so as he knew I'd be preforming here after this clown bullshit was done, he asked me to come." I partly lied. I didn't owe anything to Ozzie but no one needs to know that.

Mammon just shakes his head and disappears. We continue down the red carpet. Fizz was answering a question from a fan when he got inturpted by two voices but... only one person? Never mind, twins, siren twins from the envy ring for sure. They started insulting Fizz and making feel self conscious and I step in front of Fizz, separating him from the siren hellborns. I hiss, fins flaring and they step back. They definitely knew who I was based on my appearance but didn't know what I could do but just were surprised is all.

"Leave him alone and get on stage if you want to keep your chance to perform." It was a clear threat and it made them scoff but they did leave us alone.

The pageant started and I watched Fizz compete, I see why he is known as Mr. 9 years running. He's good at performing and he seems to enjoy for the most part but definitely something isn't there. As it goes on it ends in a tie before the final round and I see the fear and mental collapsion inside his soul, feel it, it hurts me. Mammon announces about a meet and greet with the finalists, that doesn't help. I watch as Fizz asked Mammon if he could skip only the be denied and dragged into it. Fizz was clearly uncomfortable by the fans he has and things as he goes around and signs different things. He bows and thanks the crowd but I could see it, he was uncomfortable and unhappy, stressed and self conscious, that was until a little kid showed up with broken horns and using sign language.

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