Ch 19: Fucking Crimson

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Today was one of the days off from the tour, finally. My throat was starting to go a dry and horse, not the best condition to sing in. But I was rudely awake by an air horn from the room across the hall, Fizz. I get up and put on a bath robe so I’m comfy with only a sports bra and shorts on for pj’s.

I open the door and cross the hall and knock on Ozzie’s door, opening it to find a very cute Fizz and Ozzie talking about breakfast. Fizz said something about burgers getting the reply of, “It’s too early for burgers you maniac.” From Ozzie.

I laugh as they do at the scene and they turn to face me. “Come on I’ll make breakfast” is all I say as I start walking to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Ozzie insisted on helping me so I let him. Fizz threw something away and tried taking out the trash but slipped with the trash flying out the window and him laying on the floor when Ozzie turned around. I giggle as I serve up  breakfast to Fizz and eat my own with Oz.

“So youre still going to the greed ring alone?” Ozzie questioned Fizz.

“Well I know you’re not big on the whole Mammon thing and you have a packed schedule.” Fizz tried.

“But you haven’t been down in the greed ring since becoming Mammon’s big brand figure. Also one of the cities is literally named Ransome.” Ozzie argued.

“I’ll be fine, I’m scared of a few ropes. Besides I’m slippery.” Fizz retaliate.

“Only after I…” Ozzie starts, “What?”, “What?” They say right after the other I laugh at it.

“I can go with Fizz to help him if he’s in trouble Oz.” Fizz just agrees with me and Ozzie reluctantly agrees but questions me this, “Are you sure, I know you aren’t in the best shape to fight if something happens?”

“I’ll be fine I promise Oz. You don’t have to worry.” I reinsured.

“Alright.” Ozzie says in the end but a little sceptical. Making Fizz promise to be low key which he does agree to but knowing Fizz, low key isn’t very low key.

I was correct, we pull up in a limo, spraying confetti out pup put dicks. Some guy choked on the confetti and was devoured by Fizz little dogs. He whistles for the dogs as I hop out and the dogs start running and as Fizz kicks on his rollerskates and speed off without me. I start running after him fixing everything he messes up as 8 follow him. Is this the best idea as I’m meant to save my power so probably not but still. I finally reach him as he starts to fight with someone. Wait Blitzø, shit. I start to run to them to get them apart but once I get their attention, a rope lands around us and pulls us through a window and I hit my head hard against the wall since I was more thrown out of the rope into the wall. I groan as I hear a voice from across the room. I open my eyes, still pretty dizzy but see Crimson and Striker talking to Blitzø and Fizz. I let out a hiss but soon feel a sharp pain in my neck and before my world goes black, I feel myself get extremely weak. I could hear Blitzø and Fizz shouting something towards me but I couldn’t make it out before my world went black.

Blitzø pov: I watch as some of the men jab something into y/n’s neck  and she almost seemed unconsciousness so I start yelling, trying to get her to stay awake, Fizz joining me. But no use so I turn to the dick head who’s men did this.

“What the Fuck did you do to her?” I growled even though I knew I couldn’t do anything at the moment.

“Just Holy Water, won’t kill her, she’s too… useful to kill off.” Crimson says in a way that makes me fear for my friend’s safety.

Third Pov

As a message pops up as a video on Asmodeus’s phone and is pulled up, Crimson shows up in a video.

“You don’t know me, all you need to know is that I have your little clown here.” Crimson shows Fizz tied up, being held by Striker.

“Do you have any idea who you are Fucking with?” Ozzie yells as Stolas points out right before Crimson continues that this is a recording.

“You probably asked me if I know who I’m dealing with and oh yes, the weakest and most non-threatening of the sins. We both know you won’t risk anything happening to the clown. So be a good bitch baby and do the thing. My lawyer will be over soon with the contract and also if you try anything the siren gets it.” The camera shows an unconscious y/n tied up in blessed chains and rope, her one weakness.

This made Ozzie mad beyond recognize because of his boyfriend’s and now his best friend’s safety. He didn’t have much of an option but to go along with this.

Blitzø and Fizz were thrown into a cage and raised high into the air as they watched Crimson take y/n away, out of the room to somewhere unknown. While yes they were scared for their unconscious friend and wanted to help her, they hated eachother and would have to get out before ever being able to help her.

Y/n pov

I groan as I start to open my eyes. My neck hurts and why the fuck do I feel so weak and tired? I look down a bit dizzy to find me in chains but shit… blessed chains. No wonder I feel weak, must have been injected with holy water if they were able to knock me out too.

“Finally awake little siren.” I whip my head to in front of me to see Crimson and a few of his men. I relax because I know I’m going to be here for a while so might as well get comfy. I hiss a bit but again I feel tired so I can’t do much even if I wanted to.

“What do you want with me because I know you would only keep me alive if you wanted something from me.” I hiss with a glare.

“Smart one you are, fine ill get right to the point dollface…”

“Don’t call me that.” I hiss, cutting him off, little fins around me ears flaring a bit.

“You don’t get a say right now Dollface. But what I want for you is for you to join the Mafia. I know you’re a sinner demon so you can’t be killed unless with angelic weapons but you're very strong for a women and would be very useful for me. And if you do this I’ll think about letting your friends…” I cut him off by raising my hand.

“No I’m not joining you because I know you wouldn’t do anything to them because you can use them as bargaining chips and second they can take care of themselves.” I retort extremely easily.

“Well then Dollface we’ll do this the hard way.” Crimson looks at his men before they hold a remote.

They click a button and shake goes through me, but I give no reaction besides slight discomfort. I look at Crimson with confusion, please tell me this isnt all he has.

“How didn’t that work, that would’ve made you scream in pain.” Crimson shouts a bit angry and pissed off.

“Because spells I put into place before losing power still work even when I’m not able to use my powers.” I state nonchalantly, “do your research next time on witches Crimson.”

Crimson gumbles and groans in irritation but I just sit there, acting like I’m not affected by this but in reality I’m barely able to talk and move. But for obvious reasons I don’t let that on, I don’t need them knowing how much I’m affected by this.

Crimson leaves the room with all his men, leaving me alone in the room with the door locked. I scan the room to try and find any cameras and after finding none I stand up and try to find something to help me. After not finding anything, I reach up to my hair and pull out a hair pin in the shape of a misshapen key. I always save this for emergency.

I start picking the lock to find it pretty easy to pick open, unlocking the locks really quickly on my wrists, then ankles. Once finishing that I slowly start to feel better, but not quick enough. But I can do one thing to help me more. I cast a spell into the shadows so I can recharge in the safety of the shadows. Plus it will be a bit faster with recharging too so added bonus.

Once in the shadows, I feel a lot better and walk put of the room to see Fizz and Blitzø getting along and apologizing to each other as they explain where things went wrong. Eventually they start getting cornered and as I see them starting to distract them but it fails even with the amazing song number. Crimson puts a blade to Blitzø’s neck and that was the final straw.

I come out the shadows in front of Fizz and Blitzø, a hissing growl slipping from my lips as I suffer through pain as the soul chains form, throwing around everyone like ragdolls except Blitzø and Fizz.

After finished I walked up to Crimson and Striker, “Mess with my friends again like that, and I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again, that is a promise.” I say before teleporting me and Fizz to Ozzie’s house after short fire that started before teleporting out that did damage Fizz’s arms and teleported Blitzø to IMP. We stand in front of the building, feeling like I’m about to faint, but pull myself together just enough to make it up stairs with the help of an elevator and made it to Ozzie’s office while helping Fizz a bit. I watch as Oz runs to hug his newly returned boyfriend very pationatly. But then I feel extremely faint and about to fall but am caught by Fizz and Oz grabs me with one arm and thanks me for helping them and to rest, which I gladly take, drifting off into sleep.

The Truth of A Sinner, the Truth of a Siren Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu