Ch 12: Re-enforcement

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Third pov

Lifting y/n up, Alastor helped bring her to the hotel through his shadow teleport(I don’t know what it is actually called so don’t hate on me). He brought the others since they worried too. Alastor didn’t let on that he was worried as he carried her up the stairs to his room, mostly for privacy reason, he wanted to bandage y/n up and clean up some of the wounds, meaning taking off y/n's shirt, he didn’t feel comfortable with having the others around her without a shirt on even if they meant good. Little did he know who just showed up in the lobby that hadn’t seen y/n collapse from being stabbed. Who thought she was fine because of the power she was able to show off.

In the lobby, Charlie and Vaggy came through, flying through it seems, a portal to see everyone glum and Angel still trying to stop crying. Charlie forgetting about Vaggie being an angel goes to Angel, concerned about him especially after earlier.

“Angel?” Charlie spoke softly as he raised his crying head to meet her gaze and grabbed Charlie into a great big hug, clinging to her like his life depended on it.

This made Charlie worry especially as Angel said, “I’m worried she won’t make it, I know Alastor said she’d befinebutIcan’thelpbut-” he was cut off by Charlie as he was getting to fast to understand clearly.

“Who, what? What happened Angel, calm down and slowly tell me what happened okay?”

“Y/n fainted from blood loss from a stab from Valentino before transforming into… whatever that was.” Angel explained the best he could before he couldn’t help but cry heavily once again, recalling the memories from only a bit ago.

“Wait wait wait, y/n fainted? I know ew she got stabbed but I didn’t know that. We watched it from Heaven what she did to Valentino and that he stabbed her, but because of the power she showed we didn’t think something like that would happen.” Charlie was starting to freak out now and cry. Vaggie tried to comfort her but was pushed away, Charlie remembering Vaggie was a fallen exorcist angel and still didn’t know how to feel about it as she ran upstairs to her room, well the one her and Vaggie shared.

While Vaggie explained what that was about and how she was an angel, Alastor came down after taking care of Y/n and heard about Charlie predicament and went to pay her a visit. After confronting Charlie he proposed a deal for the information he knew about angels and getting help for a favor that didn’t include hurting anyone, knowing Charlie didn’t want that nor would y/n when she woke up or found out about the deal. Razzle and Dazzle tried to defend Charlie but she called them off, shaking Alastor’s hand, sealing the deal.

Vaggie saw the light from the deal and the surge of energy that came with it and ran upstairs.

“What did you do?!” Vaggie says as she bursts into the room, holding and pointing her angelic spear at Alastor.

“Relax, she still has her soul.” Alastor says, a little irritated.

“He gave me information on how to kill angels, well that they’re killable.” Charlie says, clearing up a lot.

“What? That’s possible?”

“If you’d known would you have even told me?” Charlie snapped, harsh too, “Are you with us or not?”

Vaggie nods her head and before she herself leaves, one of the egg bois come up to her telling her that he already known about that and everything like that. So Vaggie heads to Carmillo while Charlie and Alastor head to Rosie in Canabale town, obviously unknowingly of Charlie, she’s just following Alastor.

They walk into Canibal town as Charlie seems a little uncomfortable by what she sees. Alastor takes her towards a building a bunch of cannibals are in. He introduces Charlie to Rosie, good friend of Alastor and y/n. Rosie was delighted to be asked of help from Charlie but she did tell her she had one problem. Charlie was going to have to convince the cannibals to join her cause. It didn’t go the easiest, especially when Susan showed up. Charlie got mad and it didn’t go well so Rosie pulled her to the side to talk to her. Charlie told Rosie about what happened in heaven with Vaggie and her being an angel. Rosie comforted Charlie, making Charlie realize how see didn’t see why Vaggie didn’t tell her about her being an Angel. But that wasn’t the only thing bothering Charlie. Rosie could see that too. Charlie then went on to explain what happened with y/n and even though Rosie knew who y/n was and how strong she was, would’ve been lying to say she wasn’t worried but still encouraged Charlie to fight for her cause. After a bit more encouraging Charlie, she went out and convinced all of Cannibal town to join her against the angels.

Mean while Vaggie has been with Carmillo who hadn’t known about y/n yet. Vaggie was barely able to get in on Carmillo training her. Carmillo told her to fight for those she loved. In the end Vaggie did learn how to fight angels and asked for a ton of weapons of angelic steel after unlocking her wings once more.

Charlie and Vaggie met up in front of the hotel and make their way up after a short apology to each other. When up top, they see that the others gave been fortifying the hotel for battle. But when will y/n wake up?

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