Ch 8: Meeting

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I wake up to sense a… uncomfortable feeling in the hotel.

Odd. Let’s go check on the others.

I snap my fingers getting dressed for the day but today isn’t just any day me and Alastor have to leave to do an Overlords meeting, just great but I do get to see some faces I recognize because it’s been a little while.

As I walk down the stairs and hear what sounds like…

“Angel you better not be showing pour Charlie one of your porn shows.” I call out remembering today was Charlie’s show and tell thing. It’s cute but not really my style so I opted out on doing it.

I walk around the corner to see they barely got the TV shut off as I appear.

“I know what was on that TV Angel and I don’t want to see it there or any of it on there when these two around. Got it?” I point to Vaggie and Charlie who is really uncomfortable after seeing what ever it was that she saw.

“Yes ma’am toots.” Angel salutes as we both break into laughter.

I look around just in time to see Husk… Blushing. Oh~ I have a new ship to try and put together. But he quickly fixes himself before I could say anything.

A little later I see Vaggie telling Sir Pentious that he has to get rid of the egg bois and he gets all sad. The poor snake demon but Satan is he adorable. I’ve been a snake and reptile lover ever since I was alive. U pat Sir Pentious’s head telling him it’ll be okay and see Vaggie to go into Alastor’s room which at this time I already know he’s eating a raw deer. I mean I really don’t care what he eats in that sense because I myself eat a bit of fish which technically I’m a fish because I’m a siren demon but me and Alastor don’t really count or see it like that.

I see Alastor walk out with the Egg Bois and join him as we say bye, walking towards where the meeting is taking place. I also see the egg bois following us calling Alastor ‘boss man’ it kinda cute but I can see the clear day irritation of Alastor. I bump his shoulder and smile at him and he smiles back, the irritation seemingly disappearing.

We walk and then I start to see why Alastor was irritated so I glare at the egg bois and they instantly get quiet. Alastor sends a ‘thank you’ smile my way and I send a ‘you’re welcome’ one right back.

We continue to walk in comfortabe silence until we start to near the meeting place when Zestial shows up.

“Alastor, it’s been some time since I have seen thou. Y/n lovely as always to see you my dear friend.”

“It great to see you too Zestial.” I comment with a smile and small soft laugh.

“Yes always a pleasure my ancient friend.” Alastor says with that radio voice of his.

We three start walking together and demons around run or stare curiously and some stare at me, predators for sure. It makes me want to tear them apart for being who they are. But I refrain from doing so but that doesn’t stop the small snarl I let out, only audible enough that Zestial and Alastor hear it.

“What’s the matter y/n darling?” Alastor questions as him and Zestial look around to see what is bothering me before seeing those same demons. “Oh, I see, nevermind.”

I can tell the both of them are now planning murders. Just great. I breathe and calm down before telling the both of them, “Don’t worry about it okay? Just leave it alone, they’re obviously new to not recognize me, they’ll learn soon enough.”

They just nod their heads as we reach the building, getting into the elevator when the egg boys try to get in with us but Alastor tells them to stay and watch the place. Except one gets left in here but I don’t say anything.

I make my way to the room, sitting between Rosie and Zestial. Rosie smiles at me and I smile back. That’s when Carmillo steps out with her girls. She starts talking about the extermination this year and how it killed more then ever before.

“You all together majority of souls here in Hell. We’ll except you Y/n, you barely own a single soul.” She says which I reply with, “I know~”

“Anyways we need to fund a way to protect more of the souls in Hell especially with the new extermination date.” She was about to continue but then Velvette walks in talking on the phone, interrupting us all.

“Nice of you to join us, will your a colleagues be joining us?”

“Oh no, they have better thing to do then be in this meeting, I’m just a representative.” Velvette replies with so much sas I want to punch her little British doll face out the window with the way she thinks it’s okay to talk to Carmillo.

Then she throws an angel head on the table. We argue a bit on how she found it and how it died, even leading to Velvette not only disrespecting me but also Zestial. Me and Carmillo didn’t stand for that. It ended up leading to a song between us three. (No I’m not doing the song)

After the meeting was called to an end, me and Zestial get worried for her so we follow her into her room, getting her to admit she kill the angel and why she didn’t tell anyone. In the end I hug her saying that I understand because I do. If someone dared touch someone I cared about(hint hint) I would make them suffer as much as possible. But I don’t mention the egg Boi spying on us as he runs out to meet up with Alastor, telling him all her heard. After about a half an hour I teleport back to the hotel to see Sir Pentious getting his egg boys back. Aw the snake boy is happy. That’s cute. I hope I get to see more of these cute moments, it really makes my heart warm to see them.

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